Sunday, December 22, 2019

Caesar Essay - 761 Words

Caesar In history it is rare to find truly great leadership, but every once in a while someone comes along so charismatic that even his enemies cannot but admire him. Rome in the first century B.C. was replete with statesmen, generals and leaders who to this day are remembered as being among the greatest and most fascinating that ever lived. But there is no doubt as to the most memorable of these. Gaius Julius Caesar lived from 100 to 44 B.C. and though his life began and ended with Rome beset by internal strife and the threat of civil war, he did more than anyone to consolidate the power of Rome and facilitate the rise of the Roman empire. It is true that the political and social climate of Rome had been changing rapidly for two†¦show more content†¦In war or peace, â€Å"his ability to secure the affection of his men and to get the best out of them was remarkable† (Plutarch, 259). Suetonius describes him heroically as â€Å"a most skillful swordsman and horseman with surp rising powers of endurance...It is a disputable point which was the more remarkable when he went to war: his caution or his daring† (41). This is a prominent characteristic of Caesar: there were many sides to him. He could pardon some of his most bitter political enemies and grant degrees of autonomy to conquered people, but at the same time he could crucify a band of pirates who once captured him, divorce his wife on questionable grounds, and brazenly flaunt his power as dictator before jealous and fearful senators. â€Å"In his administration of justice he was both conscientious and severe...†(Suentonius, 33).Though he was temperate with regards to drink, he was among the most licentious of all Romans in his love affairs. He refused the crown Mark Antony offered him but he daily centralized more power to his name as dictator. Caesar was in more ways than one, â€Å"every woman’s man and every man’s woman† (Suetonius, 37). So vibrant and powerful w as he that for the few years of his dictatorship, he was the governmentShow MoreRelatedThe Julius Caesar671 Words   |  3 Pages Julius Caesar is the one of the famous Roman generals. Many may recognize this name from the great works of Shakespeare. Before the great works of Shakespeare, Julius Caesar was famous in his Roman city which. Julius Caesar was a dictator that turned the Roman republic to the Roman Empire. Even though the life time of Julius Caesar took place in 100 BC – 44 BC, people everywhere will mention Caesar’s name and legacy. For starters, Julius Caesar’s time wasRead MoreEssay about Julius Caesar: The Spirit of Caesar619 Words   |  3 Pagesbest at everything – now imagine Julius Caesar. It seems as though the last one doesn’t fit, does it? 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