Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Virtual Communities, Open Communication, and the End of Nationalism :: Functions of Communication

People have boundaries that are constructed by them to keep unwanted intruders from penetrating. Similarly, countries have the same type of boundaries and borders, both serve as checkpoints and to identify what is trying to penetrate their borders. If we would be willing to create a stronger sense of tolerance and equality, rather than such a strong sense of nationalistic views that tend to separate people, using the technology of the 21st century, then we can actually harness the power, and break down our boundaries both physical and emotional in nature. From Gutenbergs printing press to Thomas Edisons telephone, technology has advanced our lives in many ways. The 21st century is considered to be the computer age, because of the advancement of computers. Whether you go to a school or use a public facility, there are computers at the read for almost anyone who needs one. Computers have paved the way for a stronger communication link between people, whether its across the street or across the world. Computers, also, have helped create a sense of togetherness by creating what has been dubbed as a Virtual Community. In these communities people can come together and unite to share their common characteristics or thoughts, regardless of who is on the other end. John Perry Barlow, a writer and the author of , Is There a There in Cyberspace? describes virtual communities as, A new locale of human community-never mind that the whole thing was being conducted in were words by minds from whom the bodies had been amputated. Never mind that all these people were deaf, dumb, and blind as paramecia or that their town had neither four seasons nor sunsets nor smells (165). Barlows thoughts are that no matter who you are, you can be apart of a community that fits you. The bonds that hold the communities together are a strong relationship and common level for a particular thing, view, and or person. John Hockenberry, who is a news correspondent for NBC, and was a host for the MSNBC show Edgewise, wrote the article, The End of Nationalism?, which speaks about how computers can help countries come together and end our strong sense of nationalism and break down the walls that we put up. To allow people to communicate with those who they traditionally would not socialize would be a real step toward a more peaceful society. In Hockenberrys article End of Nationalism he says, Today it is possible to address the world without having to show a passport that identifies you culturally, ethnically, and religiously (264).

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