Monday, September 30, 2019

Home Education: For better or for worse Essay

A home school, as the name implies, is basically an alternative form of education that allows students to receive their education at their own homes instead of going to traditional public or private schools. Students who study at home are either taught by personal tutors, their own parents, or sometimes the school sends the whole curriculum or all the lessons that need to be learned to them. Most of the time, home school students only need to go to their respective schools when they need to take an exam, for example, but in several cases, they take their quizzes or examination at home as well. There are several reasons why parents opt to have their children study at home instead of sending them to educational institutions. These reasons may include: the parents’ belief that they can give their child better education at home, the child’s disabilities or psychological disorders which need special attention; the parents inability to afford sending their child to traditional schools, the child’s failure to learn anything in private or public schools, the desired school is too far from the child’s home, the child’s failure to pass the entrance exams in any school, problems with policies of the school, and even religious reasons. At present home education has helped a lot of students who are unable to study in traditional schools all around the world. However, while I acknowledge that there are millions of students that are home schooled and that the trend is growing almost every year, I am not entirely in favor of the concept due to various reasons. Although it may be true that home education provides a number of benefits for students, especially those who are impoverished, I believe that it defeats the other purposes of private and public schools, which is to ensure the child’s emotional, intellectual, and social growth and to prepare the child for the life after graduation. It is a well-known fact that a traditional school teaches not only the lessons found in textbooks but also certain aspects of life itself. In private or public schools, students get to interact with their peers. Interaction between students facilitates the exchange of new information, new insights, and new ideas which is highly essential for intellectual growth. Moreover, interacting with peers enables a student to create his own circle or network of friends which is important for social stability and growth. In addition, making friends can also be educational especially if it involves people from different cultures or nationalities. For example, an American student can learn a lot from his or her Chinese best friend regarding the lifestyle, food, beliefs, traditions, and history of China or vice versa. On the other hand, a home schooled student is strictly contained within the four corners of his or her house so he or she is unable to meet and interact with new people. In addition, since this student becomes isolated, he or she may develop a fear of other people or even the outside world in general. Moreover, although a home schooled student may be more intellectual than his or her traditionally educated counterparts since he or she is primarily focused on studying, he or she may not learn new information because of his or her dependence on textbooks. In short, he or she will have a narrower perspective about a lot of things as compared to a student in a traditional classroom setting where he or she can ask questions and give their own opinions regarding certain matter about the lesson. Furthermore, since a home-educated student is basically confined in his or her house, he or she may have a tendency of slacking off because there are no school rules. Home schooled students may study and may work when they want to provided that they pass the exams given to them. However, this defeats the purpose of having school rules and regulations which develop discipline in students. In traditional schools, students generally have to follow rules such as wearing of proper uniform, observing silence in hallways, displaying proper behavior while in the campus, and throwing of trash in the proper garbage cans, among many others. If they fail to abide by the rules and regulations of the schools they will be penalized. This â€Å"penalty system† in traditional schools instills in students the fear of breaking a rule due to the corresponding punishments and in effect, they become disciplined and follow the law. In addition, this system also teaches students to respect the authority and the law in general, which is basically what is lacking in home schools. Although the parents may have taught their home-educated children proper manners and respect, these children may only apply this when dealing with their parents since they never got to interact with other people. Furthermore, possibly the major disadvantage of home education is that it lacks an avenue for physical growth. Home-educated students generally have no physical activities such as sports which could lead to weight gain and possible health problems. In addition, since home education does not have extracurricular activities, students are unable to showcase the possible potentials they may have. For example, a home- schooled student may have the makings and traits of a leader, however, he or she cannot show his or her capabilities since there are no opportunities to show them. Moreover, a home-schooled student may have amazing talent in basketball and has the potential to be granted a scholarship in a prestigious university but is unable to do so since he or she is restricted within the comforts of his or her own home. In short, what home schools also lack is the avenue for students to be recognized for their talents and skills in activities other than academics. In fact, they may not be even recognized in academics since it is already an advantage for them to be studying at home. Basically, what I would like to point out is that there are necessary lessons in life that cannot be learned inside a home school or even inside a classroom. For a student to be well-equipped to face the real world, he or she should have experienced the little realities of life which are present in traditional schools. For me, I believe that home schools should only be applicable to students who have disabilities and psychological defects and who are too poor to afford private education. The other reasons are not justifiable since traditional schooling is basically a necessity for everyone. Parents who force their children to receive their education at home without valid are actually impeding their personal growth. If this is the case, they should not be surprised if their children grow up with various problems in life. Over-all, I believe that while a home school can provide intellectual growth for students, it lacks an avenue for equally important aspects of personal growth such as emotional, social, and sometimes even spiritual growth, which are all important for a student to understand and face life itself.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Learning from Failure Essay

Everyone strives for perfection, for most people failure is not an option. However, the reality is that failure is an unpleasant fact, each day, a person fails in his or her tasks, decisions and ideas and organizations fail in their strategies and policies. In this highly competitive and achievement oriented society, a failure in any aspect of a person’s life is construed negatively and stereotyped as a sign of weakness. Failures are indeed negative occurrences that involve the inability to carry out the desired objective or goal of the individual or organization (Cannon & Edmondson, 2005). Failures can be either large scale or small scale, and it can have far-reaching effects than mere criticisms. Small-scale failures are normal consequences of the individual’s actions and decisions form day to day, for example, not being able to come to work on time is a failure on the part of the employee. Being tardy is a negative behavior and failing to be punctual can directly affect the work performance of the individual; however, such tardiness can also have dire effects on the organization. Chronic tardiness results to missed hours of work per week and probably lesser output for the department or unit and the organization as a whole. Such a failure can be dissected and analyzed as a personal failure, but it has varied implications for the organization’s policies and performance. On the other hand, large-scale failures are highly sensationalized and have the potential to lessen the competitiveness and the trust that people have on their organizations (Nevis,   DiBella & Gould, 1995). F or example, Martha Stewart’s failure and fiasco in her business enterprise have led to criticisms and stigma and for that time, sales of Martha Stewart’s products were very low. Organizational failures are often not highlighted as a basis for learning; instead, it is covered-up and undisclosed to the public. Learning from failure is not a popular concept in the American reality. Failures have a negative connotation and it is not a thing that is shared to most people. Likewise, organizations steer from the issue of failure and find immediate solutions to such failures and problems without considering the possible learning that the failure brings (Nevis,   DiBella & Gould, 1995). For example, mass resignations of pilots in an airline company spell disaster, and the most likely action for the company is to reduce flights. Learning from failure dictates that the airline company should look into the reasons of the pilots for leaving the airline. The result of the survey would be used as basis to institute changes in their policies in order to address the concerns of the pilots and to prevent mass resignations in the future. Organizations however, try very hard to keep their failures from becoming public since it would not be good for their business but making failures public communicates that the organization is willing to accept their mistakes and further commit to the improvement of their policies and procedures to prevent and minimize the occurrence of mistakes (Cannon & Edmondson, 2005). Large-scale failures that reach the consciousness of the public become common knowledge and these are used as a learning tool for other individuals and organizations.   The stock market scandals have resulted to clearer and stricter guidelines in the stock market. Thus, failures are not entirely negative; instead, it has the potential for driving new information and concepts and in the development of better policies and guidelines for all. Learning is a process that occurs throughout life, and failures play an important role in facilitating learning. Without mistakes and failure, an individual would not be able to learn what is right and acceptable from what is wrong and unacceptable. Failure is as essential to life as learning; one cannot exist without the other. Learning does not occur in a vacuum, it utilizes whatever information, and knowledge is on hand. However, the best kind of learning is said to come from failures and mistakes as it provides concrete basis for differentiating what is positive and good from what is negative and bad (Nevis,   DiBella & Gould, 1995). At an individual level, workers sent on a training workshop to learn new skills in the operation of new equipments would only have a working knowledge of the new equipment. Actual operation of the equipment would test the knowledge of the worker and the amount of learning that he has gained from the training workshop. A failure on the part of the worker would lead to the inefficient use of the equipment, and identifying one’s mistakes and source of failure would result to more learning. At this point the worker can now identify which of his actions had resulted to the mistake and which actions would control for the effects of the mistake and what behaviors he should do to prevent the mistake from recurring. In terms of organizational learning, failures are also a rich source of information that could be used to improve and strengthen the strategies that they already have in place (Cannon & Edmondson, 2005). It is important for organizations to learn from their failures as it is a factual occurrence that reflect the true state of the organization (Carmeli & Sheaffer, 2008). For example, a miscommunication between departments can bring about significant problems and difficulties in the conduct of the organizations’ activities. The most likely reaction is for the department heads and managers to resolve the problems brought about by miscommunication, but if the organization wants to apply the concept of learning from failures, they should b able to identify the source of the miscommunication and in what channels the miscommunication occurred, then the organization should look into the communication patterns of the organization and take the necessary steps to ensure that the communication systems would be corrected to prevent miscommunications in the future. Even though learning from failures has been found to be a useful tool for increasing the efficiency of organizations and in cultivating a positive culture, one that is open to experimentation and failure, not many organizations have embraced the concept and continue to disregard the learning that could be had from failures (Nevis,   DiBella & Gould, 1995). In a discussion of why organizations fail to learn from failures, it was pointed out that organizations fail to utilize failures as rich sources of information because of the lack of critical thinking skills that would identify failures as an opportunity for growth (Carmeli & Sheaffer, 2008). Additionally, organizations does not take into account and monitor for failure, instead it is systematically removed and not dwelled upon. Another reason for not being able to learn from failures is the human tendency to reduce the effect or to cover-up the incidence of a failure. Even without undue pressure, individuals have the tendency to downplay failures and mistakes and for most to find excuses and blame the failure on the system, and other individuals (Carmeli & Sheaffer, 2008). It is important to recognize that failures present a learning opportunity for organizations and even for one’s personal life, and although it takes courage and a more open and willing perspective, it is not impossible to attain. References Cannon, M. & Edmondson, A. (2005). Failing to learn and learning to fail (intelligently): How organizations put failure to work to innovate and improve. Long Range Planning, 38, 299-319 Carmeli, A., & Sheaffer, Z. (2008). How learning leadership and organizational learning from failures enhance perceived organizational capacity to adapt to the task environment. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44:468. Nevis, E. C., DiBella, A.J., & Gould, J.M. (1995). Understanding organizations as learning systems. Sloan Management Review, 36, 73-85.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Relationship Of Religious And Citizenship Education Education Essay

I have been asked to compose an essay critically analyzing the relationship of spiritual and citizenship instruction. I will measure whether both topics will help each other, or if one of them will be in danger, and devour one another. I will include the followers in my essay: the history of spiritual instruction and citizenship instruction. I will discourse, for and against statements on spiritual and citizenship instruction. I will demo some statistical and authorities studies ; on how good these lesson are making. I will advert some appropriate resources to be used in the schoolroom to learn these lessons. Furthermore more I am traveling to compose about the positions of those learning these topics in schools. Definitions of spiritual instruction Watson 1992 p.12 ‘Religion is particularly concerned with what one worships which is in bend connected with what one thinks one ought to be in awe of, experience low towards, fear, and so forth. Which are non concerned with any of them ‘ . Another definition of spiritual instruction Thompson and Watson 2006 p.65 ‘pupils are taught that faith involves: narratives ; belief ; rights and incorrect ; community ; rites ; feelings ‘ . These definitions suggest that spiritual instruction is linked to idolizing, esteeming other civilizations and beliefs, and cognizing right from incorrect. Religious instruction could besides halt racism in society, by kids cognizing about different beliefs of people. Broadbent and Brown study 2002 p.173 relate to the swann proposing that ‘bringing about a greater apprehension of diverseness of faiths nowadays in Britain today can besides therefore we believe play a major function in disputing and get the better ofing racism ‘ . In my sentiment spiritual instruction is to make with spiritual and moral values in different faiths or religions. Definitions of Citizenship Education ( the kink study 1998, p.9 ) ‘In the political tradition stemming from the Greek metropolis provinces and the Roman democracy, citizenship has meant engagement in public personal businesss by those who had the rights of citizens: to take portion in public argument and, straight or indirectly, in determining the Torahs and determinations of a province. Another definition of citizenship ( Collins 2008 p.1 ) ‘citizenship instruction is about assisting immature people to understand their rights and duties, to understand how society works, and to play an active function in society ‘ . A different definition of citizenship instruction ( Skelton, Francis and Smulyan 2006 p.286-287 ) ‘tends to intend that school pupils are taught about representative democracy and parliamentary political relations ‘ . From these definitions I can see that the chief countries that are involved in citizenship instruction are political relations and the individual ‘s function in society. On the other manus citizenship takes on more political point of position and it is more argument based. History of spiritual instruction started in 1811 when the national society promoted spiritual instruction, to supply instruction for the hapless kids in the established church schools. In the 1870 Education Act new schools were established, run by local governments with their course of study to include spiritual instruction. In 1931 a study was released called the Hadow study which fundamentally said that spiritual instruction is critical for larning. Thompson and Watson 2007 p.54 ‘the instruction of faith is at the bosom of all learning ‘ . There was a study written on secondary schools, in 1938 called the spens study which was stating, all kids need to be taught about faith. Thompson and Watson 2007 p.54 province that ‘no male child or miss can be counted as decently educated unless he or she has been made aware of the being of spiritual reading of life ‘ . The Education Act of 1944 required that all schools should supply ‘religious direction ‘ , while leting both instructors and parents on behalf of their kids the right to retreat. The Education Reform Act 1988 introduced the National Curriculum to schools in England and Wales. This gave the instructors a undertaking which was to educate kids about faith, the chief topic which is Christianity, depicting some of the other spiritual patterns and non teach them. Thompson and Watson 2007 p.54 mentioned that ‘religious instruction should reflect the fact the spiritual traditions of Great Britain are, in the chief, Christian whilst taking history of the other rule faiths represented in Great Britain ‘ . SACRE ‘s ( Standing Advisory Councils for R.E. ) chief responsibility is to rede the LEA on spiritual instruction to be taught in conformity with the Agreed Syllabus in Community and Voluntary Controlled schools. Agreed course of studies are developed out of the national guidelines contained in the non statutory national model for RE. The advantages of these are it provides guidelines for non specializers in RE besides it will help RE co-ordinators in planning every bit good as appraisal. Corporate Worship is lawfully required to take topographic point every school twenty-four hours, it is by and large accepted that Collective Worship, should supply students with infinite for contemplation and/or should be disputing. I think this is a critical portion of a school twenty-four hours because all staff and kids gather together in the hall, say prays, sing vocals besides they can make category assemblies on different festivals: Christmas, Diwali and Eid assemblies this will give cog nition to the kids and staff hearing. RE is non portion of the National Curriculum, but must be taught in schools by jurisprudence. By jurisprudence, all province schools must learn the topic RE, except to pupils withdrawn from categories by their parents. History of citizenship, in 1964 the Association for Teaching the Social Sciences ( ATSS ) was founded at the Institute of Education, University of London, which was to advance societal scientific discipline learning in schools. The topics included in this were sociology, economic sciences and political scientific discipline. During this clip Bernard Crick was interested in discoursing ways of acquiring political relations in secondary instruction and the benefits of this for the students. Cairns, Gardner and Lawton 2004 p.11 have looked at this farther ‘At some phase all immature people. . . should derive some consciousness of what political relations is approximately. Crick subsequently became active in a course of study undertaking financed by the Hansard Society called the Programme for Political Literacy that produced a study Political Education and Political Literacy ( Hansard, 1978 ) ‘ . Due to a alteration in authorities at that clip prevented this study from being published and we could hold seen citizenship instruction in the course of study. Cairns, Gardner and Lawton 2004 p.11 ‘unfortunately, the alteration of authorities in 1979 prevented any immediate action: most Conservatives were so leery of political instruction – ‘citizenship instruction ‘ might hold been more acceptable ‘ . In the 1990 ‘s there was a concern over deficiency of involvement towards political relations by the young person, so the authorities had to step in and make something to work out this job. They introduced citizenship instruction to give kids more consciousness of political activities. Some statistical information, demoing grounds for why first clip electors, do non vote during elections. The Crick study 1998, p.15 ‘A MORI study for the News of the World in March 1997 on first-time electors found that 28 per cent said they would non vote or were improbable to, 55 per cent said that they were non interested or could non be bothered, 17 per cent said that it would non do any difference, and 10 per cent said they did non swear any politicians ‘ . I agree with this statement that people do n't vote. Not many immature people vote, to be honest I have n't voted myself. The lone people whom ballot are the older coevals. The importance of spiritual instruction is that it will assist kids, to larn about different civilizations e.g. what different people belief and their manner of life. Learning about God, how he helps and the kids ‘s ain perceptual experience on life. RE Non statutory model, 2004, p.7 ) ‘provokes ambitious inquiries about the ultimate significance and intent of life, beliefs about God, the ego and the nature of world, issues of right and incorrect and what it means to be human. It develops students ‘ cognition and apprehension of Christianity, other chief faiths, other spiritual traditions and other universe positions that offer replies to inquiries such as these. It offers chances for personal contemplation and religious development. It enhances students ‘ consciousness and apprehension of faiths and beliefs, instructions, patterns and signifiers of look, every bit good as of the influence of faith on persons, households, communities and civilizations ‘ . All these values will do a individual good and caring in society ; cognize what is right and incorrect such as ; drug dealing is incorrect. If people learn these values, it will profit the society, by doing it a safer topographic point to populate in, without offense. The intent of citizenship instruction in schools is critical because, the kids can larn about political relations, rights the kids are entitled to such as the right to instruction and how to be a good citizen in society. The crick study 1998, p.40 examined the benefits of citizenship instruction ‘in schools and colleges is to do secure and to increase the cognition, accomplishments and values relevant to the nature and patterns of participative democracy ; besides to heighten the consciousness of rights and responsibilities, and the sense of duties needed for the development of students into active citizens ; and in so making to set up the value to persons, schools and society of engagement in the local and wider community ‘ . The three chief strands of survey in citizenship suggested by Bernard kink in his crick study are as follows: foremost Social and moral duty – Children larning from the really get downing assurance and socially and morally responsible behavio r both in and beyond the schoolroom, both towards those in authorization and towards each other ( this is an indispensable pre-condition for citizenship ) . Secondly Community engagement – Students larning about and going helpfully involved in the life and concerns of their communities, including larning through community engagement and service to the community. Third Political literacy – Students larning approximately and how to do themselves effectual in public life through cognition, accomplishments and values. The authorities published the National model on Religious Education in October 2004 but it is non-statutory. It encourages schools to learn students about Christianity and the five other major faiths represented in the state. I think this is a good model for RE because it will assist instructors to learn RE to pupils, furthermore it will give them guidelines in learning this topic ; along with giving them thoughts to what to learn. It is non a compulsory model so it is n't extra work for instructors to include in their planning. The Crick study outlined the principle and indispensable purposes of instruction for citizenship ( QCA 1998 ) . The crick Report 1998, p.13 provinces that it is a â€Å" critical and distinguishable statutory portion of the course of study, an entitlement for all students in its ain right†¦ Citizenship instruction can be enhanced by and do important parts to – every bit good as draw upon – other topics and facets of the course of study. † In the Crick Report ( 1998 ) there is merely a brief reference of RE and how it can be used to research moral and societal concerns. There has been some unfavorable judgment on the crick study this has been examined by Faulks,2006, p.60 suggest that ‘The chief failings of the Crick Report can be understood in footings of its abstract construct of citizenship. The Crick Report fails, in peculiar, to give due consideration to the institutional and societal constructions that form the context of citizenship and which, if ignored, must needfully restrict the effectual bringing of an inclusive citizenship instruction ‘ . In August 2002 primary schools citizenship instruction, is non statutory but it is still taught in primary schools. However for secondary schools citizenship instruction is statutory for Key Stage 3 and 4. This is a separate topic to PSHE. It besides has its ain capable content of survey farther more current appraisal at Key phase 4 GCSE short class. In September 2009 citizenship will be a full GCSE and A degree to be introduced. But alterations in new primary course of study will be statutory in 2011. Their will be a capable similar to citizenship instruction in the course of study. The name of this topic will be Historical, geographical and societal apprehension. This will be influential for citizenship in secondary course of study, because the students will hold more understanding of citizenship instruction. QCA provinces that ‘helping kids make sense of our topographic point in the universe and is cardinal to their development as informed, active and responsible citizens. T hey see how societies are organised and shaped by people ‘s values and actions, and how communities can populate and work together ‘ . Ofsted 2005-2006 found that ‘RE no longer stands out as a topic giving cause for concern in footings of instruction, larning and accomplishment. At Key Stages 3 and 4 one in five schools have raised students ‘ accomplishment from satisfactory to good and at Key Stage 4 RE is the 3rd most improved topic in footings of instruction and larning ‘ This is really good statement for spiritual instruction instructors because the betterment of RE will assist spiritual instruction to remain in instruction. On the other manus the instruction of citizenship is bettering, and there are now better chances for preparation, but in about 25 % of schools inspected in 2005/06 the proviso was found to be unequal. Many schools have non yet implemented full programmes of citizenship across Key Stages 3 and 4, and that misconceptions remain about what should be included in citizenship instruction. Ofsted 2005 – 2006 Religious instruction can be taught in a figure of ways such as, the spiritual surveies approach which is to make with assisting kids to understand a scope of spiritual positions and to hold an apprehension for them. Another attack that is used in schools is ethical and religious attack, which is referred to as the survey of moral development. Activities you can make with spiritual instruction: storytelling about God, taking pupils to different topographic points worship. Activities you may see set about on this subject: comparing the differences and similarities between different topographic points of worship, discourse something from pupils ain experience that relates to being inside a particular, holy topographic point, and ask pupils to bring forth a short questionnaire or set of interview inquiries to be used during the visit. Citizenship can be taught in a figure of ways depending on the school cross curricular activity, suspended timetable yearss, coach or tutorial times, distinct lessons combination of all. Activities you can make with kids ‘s during citizenship lessons ; arguments on current issues, a choice of newspaper articles can be examined, people who can assist us the chief activity the kids can pull a image of themselves and make a insight authorship who helps them. The trade game this is where kids represent different members of the community for illustration mill worker and foremans and so forth so you will be given a budget and you need to happen ways on apportioning the money. Political election this can be done by the instructor explicating how local and national elections take topographic point, explain the democracy in this state so you choose three or more persons to stand for the chief political parties so these kids will make a address for the category. Resources are available f or learning citizenship instruction, they have been given the resources but they do non utilize them really good. ( Ofsted 2006, p.37 ) province that ‘citizenship has good resources in copiousness, but frequently they are non used ‘ . Arguments for spiritual instruction, holding good apprehension of spiritual instruction and cognize equal sum of information, about all the different faiths. Furthermore kids who want to larn about the different faiths for RE. Ofsted, 2006-2007, p.80 provinces that ‘Pupils in the schools visited understood better the significance of faith in people ‘s lives than has been the instance in the yesteryear ‘ . Arguments against RE is that the staff at schools do non learn the topics in relation to politically prosecuting the modern universe. Ofsted 2006-2007 p.80 ‘the course of study and instruction in RE did non put sufficient accent on researching the altering political and societal significance of faith in the modern universe. As a consequence, the topic ‘s possible to lend to community coherence, instruction for diverseness and citizenship was non being to the full realised ‘ . Arguments for citizenship instruction the kids can derive cognition of h ow to be good a citizen in society. Arguments against the citizenship instruction, it will be excess work for the school and staff to make be aftering for the topic. Besides some instructors do n't hold adequate cognition on this lesson to present to kids. So they will necessitate to travel preparation to develop their accomplishments on citizenship. There will be arguments on execution of citizenship instruction, how you are traveling to learn citizenship because, the course of study is overloaded and other topics may be dropped to do clip for this lesson. The chief argument environing this will be who ‘s traveling to learn the topic in schools. Ofsted 2010 p.18-19 suggests that the failings in citizenship instruction include ‘weakness in instructor capable cognition ; hapless planning, misconstruing about the topographic point of citizenship in the course of study ‘ . Another failing found in the study ‘weak capable cognition ; usage of inappropriate learni ng methods ‘ . Another factor that affects citizenship instruction was ‘lack of understanding and assurance to learn citizenship ‘ . The positions of those learning spiritual instruction are that the adding another lesson such as citizenship in the course of study, will give less clip for spiritual instruction to be taught to pupils this is backed up by Broadbent and Brown 2002 p.174 ‘concerns expressed by instructors of spiritual instruction that the inclusion of distinct lessons of PSHE and citizenship instruction might badly infringe upon curriculum clip hitherto allotted to RE ‘ . Citizenship instruction will non consequence the position spiritual instruction in the course of study this was back up by David Blunkett who stated ‘religious instruction ‘s place in the course of study would stay unchanged ( Watson 2004, p.260 ) . The positions of those learning citizenship in schools they think that it is of import for kids to understand and esteem themselves and others. Trusting others and have high ego assurance when making treatments or arguments. Worried it could turn into a civic lesso n. Some wanted citizenship to replace spiritual instruction because we can learn these values in citizenship of being a good citizen in society. The other side of the argument could be acquiring rid of spiritual instruction for citizenship instruction. Watson, 2004, p.260 provinces that ‘the replacing of spiritual instruction with citizenship instruction in province schools ‘ . In decision I believe that schools should learn more, spiritual instruction to pupils because the kids will be more cognizant and have relevant cognition about other civilizations around the universe. I think both topics should remain in the course of study because they both have benefits in kids ‘s instruction, such as citizenship will learn the political side of the position point and about society. On the other manus spiritual instruction will learn kids how to esteem other civilizations. They both work in favor of each other because they can learn different things to kids. Watson 2004, p.267 argues that ‘religious instruction, by enabling students to meet different religions and each other through duologue, makes critical part to citizenship instruction while educating for citizenship in its ain right by developing apprehension of our society and peculiar parts spiritual argument can do to the development of the active citizen ‘ .

Friday, September 27, 2019

Structural steel design Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Structural steel design - Literature review Example When restoration was completed, the new skeleton had to be hoisted on to supports. These were composed of steel compression struts that are hollow, with a capacity of 50 tons. They were coupled to node points found at the end of each of the cradle frames where they stuck out through the hull. The external support’s lower ends were linked to plates cast into the dry dock’s steps. Since the steps had started crumbling, they had to be dug out and reinforced with grouted steel piles before connecting supports and lifting the ship. A series of arms offered lateral wind load restraint. The arms were bolted to strengthened concrete tension piles at the top of the dry dock (Douglas 2012, pg. 69). The connection nodes are also required as secondary support to the glass canopy. The members’ structural steel grades are of  S355 J2 to BS EN 10025.   Lifting the ship was done at intermediate phases using 24 200Te SWL cylinder jacks, each under every node point. The whole process took 2 days and was aided by the installation of a series of 96 strain sensors to check loads in the metal frame of the ship and the supporting tie rods and props that held up the ship (Beedle, Ali & Armstrong 2007, pg. 32). Consultants AV Technology (AVT) installed the sensors. Deteriorated timber was replaced with equivalent wood; the objective was to replace like with like where possible. The tween was restored using new Douglas fir and hemp was used to caulk it traditionally. Hemp was used because it was easier to install and maintain since it was forced into position to create a tight deck. Composite construction used on the main deck, with a new teak upper layer and plywood lower layers (Crevello & Noyce 2008, pg. 52). The upper teak planks as well as the first lower rock elm planks were restored and reinstalled on the ship. The original plan was rock elm below the water line and teak above the water line. This is because elm

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Macroeconmics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Macroeconmics - Term Paper Example gh a combination of stable prices of goods and services across the economy coupled with a low inflation level and level of confidence of the investors in the currency of the country. The Fed comes out with the monetary policy in order to ensure a certain key objectives like, delivering price stability with a low inflation level coupled with an objective to support the Government’s economic objectives of growth and employment. To understand how the Fed monitors price related regulations to keep a check on inflation, we may consider a small example of the regulation of house and property prices. To take any decisions related to interest rates keeping in mind the ongoing inflation rate, the Fed must be thorough with the booming property prices and must take steps to ensure that the prices are not artificial. Government intervenes through its central bank to regulate the prices of many commodities; similarly it also regulates the prices of houses like any other important commodity. Fed has the responsibility to keep a check on asset prices including the prices of houses. There can be a number of reasons why the prices of houses may shoot up, like the simple rule of demand and supply has a definite impact. (Demand and Supply for Housing). Other reasons behind a change in property prices can be Mortgages. A mortgage is the money borrowed to buy a house, as for most people buying a house is not easy. Over the years mortgage market has picked up greatly and the current scenario is totally different from the one that existed in the beginning. Mortgages were supplied only by the building societies. Building societies were non-profit institutions and encouraged only the members for the grant of loans, so the people who were members and had contributed to an extent for a considerable period of time got loans easily and account with building societies became the only means to get mortgages. Soon these societies had to compete with the banks and other financial

Definition of family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Definition of family - Essay Example This essay discusses that there prevailed among the American whites a form of monogamy easily terminable on both sides, which was called the â€Å"pairing family.† The issue of the married pair was known to everybody knew and identified by everyone: there was without a doubt who was to be referred to as father, mother, daughter, son, sister or a brother. However, these names were in fact used rather in a different way. The man not only referred to his own young ones as his daughters and sons but also the kids of his brothers, and they referred to him as the father. The kids of his sisters, on the other hand, he referred to them as his nephews and nieces, and they referred to him as their uncle. In the modern world, it is very hard to define family. This is so because parents nowadays have little influence on their children. Children are mostly influenced by their peers and also by the media. Children are influenced negatively by whatever they learn on the television and on the internet. Parents have also delegated the duty of molding their children to teachers. It becomes very hard for a teacher having several pupils to monitor and tutor each and every pupil closely. Parents spend most of their time working. This means there is no or less family time. There has also been a case of neglect of children by parents leading to the suffering of children. This has led to children being sent to foster homes. Hence it can be concluded that family is anyone who gives you a sense of belonging, care, love, and protection.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Questions about election maps Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Questions about election maps - Article Example The graphics used usually draw quick attention to the viewer and further provides broader parameters of animation. The other type is called the paper map or the static map and majorly signifies stillness in observation. It is more evident that digital online maps presents modern kind of viewer interaction summarized as follows. They can be updated regularly as opposed to static maps which are printed hence not up to date. Creating online maps have reduced the normal production rate. Consequently static maps involve more paper work during creation stages such that it slows down production process. Digital maps also have the ability to contain more information as large data can be downloaded while the static maps cannot contain large files due to the apparent storage limit. On the other hand static maps are found to be valuable in the sense that they provide vital aspects of the original information stored when effecting new changes. I therefore strongly believe in my opinion that digital online maps are more effective compared to static maps. This is majorly because digital maps have moved with the current trend of technology hence represents the modern face of successful invention with utmost accuracy and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

School councils Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

School councils - Essay Example "The youngsters involved also learn about society and citizenship as well as developing their personal skills. " (BBC News 2005) In a separate survey by BT and the charity Childline, only 47% of the children questioned said adults listened to what they said and acted on it. (Anderson 2004) Most adults agreed it was important to listen to children, but only 57% said this happened. The effectiveness of these School Councils is not as positive as some of the media would like for us to think. There has been recent research on the School Counsils and the results are similar to the ones revealed by Anderson (2000) The research suggested a school council could make a significant contribution to the life of a school and to young people's experience of democratic processes and practices. (BBC News 21005) Setting one up did not guarantee a positive outcome, though. "As with any other learning strategy, the context in which the council operates and its processes and practices need to be supported and kept under review in order to generate positive outcomes for students and for it to have an impact on the school," said the co-author of the study, Monica Taylor. (Daniels and Ivatts) there needed to be a school-wide culture of consultation, respect for the views of students and staff, participation - and the possibility of change.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Print vs. Digital Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Print vs. Digital Media - Research Paper Example During that time, there were fewer publishing firms and most of the times, a lot of works ended up not being published. As a result they still remain unnoticed to this date. Through the ages, the significance of print media has slightly reduced; however, its importance still remains the same as back in the ancient times. The popularity of certain print journals and/ or books in the past such as the â€Å"Excursion to Scotland, 1832† clearly shows that despite digital media being the most preferred form of media in the 21st century, print media still has its sound roots in 21st century media culture. The journal was written in a bid to recount an excursion that started out in London to Scotland and back again in 1832. To date the author of the journal is anonymous probably because there was no proper channels of recording print information as well its storage. Despite that, this journal is currently preserved in the Internet archive as one of the most indulging novels of the 18 th century. Another form of ancient print media was the book â€Å"The Book Hunter in Paris† by Octave Uzanne. It was written just a year after the â€Å"Excursion to Scotland, 1832†. Due to its significance, the book is currently preserved as a digital copy to ensure that it will still be available in a number of years to come. The 20th century saw the optimal boom in the use of digital forms of mass media such as the Internet media as well as broadcast internet media. A good example of internet media is the use of online travel blogs which can be accessed by anybody anywhere in the world. Literature review According to Chitra and Neelamalar (2013), print media can be termed as the â€Å"mother† of communication due to the fact... This essay approves that the digital media with its immense advantages has overtaken the utilities of print media in this present day context. It has been viewed that in Europe, people reading newspaper is very less in comparison with the one using the internet. The digital media is more interactive and effective as compared to print media. If an example is to be taken into concern in this regard, then it can be stated that the promotional campaign of a certain product of a specific company carried with the assistance of digitalized media helps to communicate directly with the customers and solve their problems on spot. However, print media does not promote such facility. In a general sense, one of the differences between print media and digital media can be represented as that print media contains writing on the bound books paper and digital media comprise writing on computer screen. This report makes a conlusion that the above study was conducted with an intention to attain knowledge of print media and digital media in the context of mass communication. The print media is the foundation of printing technique in the world, which later developed to digitalized form. The digital media came into popularity when there was a greater need of printing in bulk quantities and within the stipulated time period. Both the forms of media have contributed a lot to mass communication. In this case, it can be affirmed that none of the aspects i.e. print media and digital media cannot be replaced as such books in the form of print media cannot be substituted by the television or neither the internet access as digital media can be replaced by reading newspaper.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Exam case financial accounting Essay Example for Free

Exam case financial accounting Essay Solutions to Exercises and Problems Tutorial 1 IFM Case 2-2 Case 2-2 SKD Limited 1.Goodwill There is no goodwill amortization expense in Country A, so the goodwill amortization expense recognized by SKD must be added back to determine income under Country A GAAP. SKD amortizes goodwill over a longer period (20 years) than is allowed in Country B (5 years), so an additional amount of goodwill amortization expense must be recognized to determine income under Country B GAAP, which reduces Country B GAAP income. b.The goodwill adjustment affects the retained earnings in stockholders’ equity. The increase in Country A GAAP income results in an increase in retained earnings and the decrease in Country B GAAP income results in a decrease in retained earnings. c.The adjustment to income is for the current year only. The adjustment to stockholders’ equity is cumulative. The fact that the stockholders’ equity adjustment is three times as larger as the income adjustment implies that the goodwill was purchased three year ago. 2.Capitalized Interest a.The adjustment labeled â€Å"Capitalized interest† relates to the interest that is not expensed but instead is capitalized under Country A GAAP. The adjustment labeled â€Å"Depreciation related to capitalized interest† relates to the depreciation of the interest that was capitalized as part of the cost of the asset. b.The first adjustment increases income because interest is not being expensed immediately but instead is capitalized as part of the cost of the asset to which it relates. The second adjustment decreases income because under Country A GAAP, the asset to which interest is capitalized has a larger cost and therefore a larger depreciation expense. c.Both income adjustments are closed out to retained earnings and partially offset one another. The increase to income of $50 and the decrease of $20 result in a net increase in retained earnings of $30. 3.Fixed Assets a.When fixed assets are revalued to a higher amount, there is an increase in their carrying value with an offsetting increase in stockholders’ equity to keep the balance sheet in balance. The amount by which the assets are revalued is subject to depreciation, which results in a larger depreciation expense. The adjustment to recognize this additional depreciation expense decreases income under Country B GAAP. It also decreases stockholders’ equity (retained earnings). The decrease in retained earnings from additional depreciation is smaller than the increase in stockholders’ equity from revaluation of assets, which results in a net increase in stockholders’ equity. Note: if we knew when the fixed assets were revalued, we could determine the amount by which they were revalued. For example, if revaluation occurred at the end of the previous year, then the revaluation amount must have been $64 ($64 – 8 = $56) because only one year of additional deprecat ion would be included in the stockholders’ equity adjustment. 27. Holzer Company – Property, Plant, and Equipment (capitalization of borrowing costs and measurement of asset subsequent to acquisition using two alternative models) IAS 16 Cost Model Carry asset on the balance sheet at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Capitalize borrowing costs borrowing costs attributable to the construction of qualifying assets. Annual interest ($900,000 x 10%)$90,000 Interest to be capitalized in Year 1 ($500,000* x 10%)50,000 Interest expense in Year 1$40,000 * Expenditures of $1,000,000 were made evenly throughout the year, so the average accumulated expenditures during the year are $500,000 ($1,000,000 / 2). Cost of building: Construction costs$1,000,000 Capitalized interest50,000 Total initial cost of building$1,050,000 Annual depreciation (beginning in Year 2) ($1,050,000 / 40 years) $26,250 Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Income Statement Depreciation expense$0$26,250$26,250$26,250$26,250 Balance Sheet Building (at 1/1)$0$1,050,000$1,023,750$997,500$971,250 Depreciation(26,250)(26,250)(26,250)(26,250) Building (at 12/31)$1,050,000$1,023,750$997,500$971,250$945,000 IAS 16 Revaluation Model Carry asset on the balance sheet at revalued amount equal to fair value less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Capitalize borrowing costs attributable to the construction of qualifying assets. Annual interest ($900,000 x 10%)$90,000 Interest to be capitalized in Year 1 ($500,000 x 10%)50,000 Interest expense in Year 1$40,000 Cost of building: Construction costs$1,000,000 Capitalized interest50,000 Total initial cost of building$1,050,000 Annual depreciation (beginning in Year 2) ($1,050,000 / 40 years) $26,250 Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Income Statement Depreciation expense$0$26,250$26,250$25,5262$25,526 Subtotal $0$26,250$26,250$25,526$25,526 Loss on revaluation27,500 Reversal of revaluation loss(27,500) Total expense (income)$0$26,250$43,750$25,526$(1,974) Balance Sheet Building (at 1/1)$0$1,050,000$1,023,750$970,000$944,474 Depreciation(26,250)(26,250)(25,526)(25,526) Building (at 12/31)$1,050,000$1,023,750$997,500$944,474$918,948 Loss on revaluation(27,500)1 Reversal of revaluation loss27,5003 Revaluation surplus 3,5523 Building (at 12/31)$1,050,000$1,023,750$970,000 $944,474$950,000 1At December 31,Year 3, the fair value of the building is determined to be $970,000. The carrying value of the building is decreased by $27,500, with a loss on revaluation recognized in Year 3 net income. 2 Depreciation in Year 4 is $25,526 ($970,000 / 38 remaining years). 3At December 31,Year 5, the fair value of the building is determined to be $950,000. The carrying value of the building is increased by $31,052. A reversal of revaluation loss of $27,500 is recognized in income and $3,552 ($31,052 – 27,500) is recorded as revaluation surplus in shareholders’ equity.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Examining The Leadership And Change Management Of Barclays Bank

Examining The Leadership And Change Management Of Barclays Bank Barclays Bank Europe, America, Africa and Asia is a vast presence, both for individuals and businesses provides a wide range of services.  Barclays has a long history that covers three hundred years, and its head office from London, that this operation fifty countries and 155,000 employees to offer more care. Barclays Bank lends, investment and more than 48 million people around the world for money does. Earliest roots of Barclays 1690, when Thomas Gold and silversmith John Freame Central London working as a bank to go back to start.  Seventy years later, the goldsmith bankers went into a major banking house, and later with nineteen other private banking concerns, the name Barclays and Company Limited, which reserves a set of 182 branches thus a major  £ 26  with funds provided under the Bank joined the million.  Barclays and the company is so often used Quaker Bank; At this point in time, Barclays and company family and religious links with the community was involved. Turn of the twentieth century, Barclays and the company started expanding rapidly, such as Bolithos Bank and United Counties Bank mdlyndz England South West taking a significant banks.  By 1918, Barclays Bank and Company in London South West Bank and Provincial Bank in the UK with one in five largest banks had to be. Barclays Bank of Japan until 1925, the Anglo Egyptian Bank and National Bank of South Africa with the merger had become a truly international organization.  Through a business deal that resulted in major Middle East, Africa and West Indies. Barclays Bank has always been an innovative company.  Barclays in 1966 before serving a UK credit card bank has become.  Next year in this world was the first bank of its users and to provide cash machines by 1972, her first TV ad was trying to become bank.  Barclays Bank UK end of the twentieth first century Tokyo and New York stock exchanges are listed bank shares has become, and it resulted in 2006 in which a high speed currency profits were 50% complete  is being moved outside the UK. Current events Reuters reported that the British government three banks, including Barclays, which over  £ 7 billion may seek 40 billion lbs (69 billion dollars) will admit.  Barclays later confirmed that his government rejected the proposal and instead of 6.5 billion pounds of new capital ( £ 2 billion dividend cancellation and by 4.5 billion pounds from private investors) will bear. In January 2009 according to press reports may need more capital and that the government agreed to fund this can be because it failed to do so by the State of Qatar in the past under investment rules  may have been a third party which shares much in October 2008 ordered compensation for them without receiving more money into Qataris. In March 2009 it was reported in 2008, Barclays insurance this preparation with AIG received billions of dollars, provided by the United States to bail out AIG Fund include 8.5bn $.  12 June 2009, Barclays Global Investors this unit, which includes an exchange of funds business, iShares, 13.5bn $ BlackRock business sold for.  In October 2009 the Standard Life Standard Life Bank Plc Barclays Plc sold.  1 January 2010 completed sales.  11 November 2009, Barclays and First Data, information technology to global trade, according to Barclays, which released the first data and consumer finance departments within the card platform will move is a compromise  .13 February, 2010 Barclays announced that more than 2 billion pounds in bonuses will pay. About leadership Leadership to achieve a desired goal all about harnessing people power and so the idea of leadership for organizational context can not be restricted.  This society through all the realms pervades, whether politics, religion or in corporate. Definition of leadership à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ define leadership as we can: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ â‚ ¬Ã‚   George R. Terry to impress people for the purposes of the Working Group. Live happily. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ â‚ ¬Ã‚   interpersonal then use it and receive special purposes in the direction of guidance through the process of dialogue is the effect.   Robert Tannenbaum. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ â‚ ¬Ã‚   leadership of the affected people to achieve a common goal is to follow them Koontz ODonnell. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ â‚ ¬Ã‚   leadership is a process under which a person influences others praised the success of group or organizations goals by members of the group.   Baron and Greenberg à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ clear definition as above all of Western ideas is concerned.  This is because, with a structured course of study and analysis as a formal sector leadership has been established yet in India because it is in Western countries. Leadership theories Great man theory Great man is the duty of principles including leadership ability that great leaders are born not made.  Their most daring ideas, mythic and leadership needed to increase the fixed bynqab is as great leaders.  The term great man used because, at that time, leadership quality as a man thought about basic military leadership, especially in terms of, was. Logos theory Some ways similar great man theory, theory assumed that symptoms of some features and attributes that lead them to better Validating inheritance.  Symptoms often views a particular personality or behavior by leaders identified common features.  But important features of specific leadership traits, how we who owns these properties but do not utter a leader?  This question led symptoms using theories to explain the difficulties is one.  Many researchers have demonstrated successful leadership traits like leadership, but not always sure they are doing is a place of high honor, sir.  It was observed that more than 100 researchers recorded symptoms such hardly10% 5 or more study is published.  Written test or tests near symptoms by priority to the selection procedure is taken.  This notion is the biggest problem that we led ordinary or global attributes can not. Unexpected ideas Environment, especially that particular style of leadership which best situation is probably better for variables related attraction leadership contingency theories.According to this theory, no leadership style is best in all circumstances.  Variable success of leadership style and followers of various aspects of the situation, including the large number of features depends on.  Unexpected behavior rule is a rule that has no better claim to organize a corporation, to lead a company, or to decide is a kind of way.  Instead, the process maximum course contingent on internal and external situation (depending) is.  Many unexpected approach being developed concurrently in the late 1960s.  He suggested that bureaucracy is as Weber and Taylors management theories in the past failed because they ignored his management style and organizational structure of the environment was affected by different aspects: unexpected element  .  Or organization for leadership there one best way can not.Historically, contingency theory that formal structures are usually associated with, or better able to use different techniques to develop about broad generalizations have tried.  View the work of Joan Woodward (1958), which says that technology directly control period, authority centralization, and formalization of rules and procedures as an organization to determine the different properties began with  . Feedback conditions Circumstances change theories suggest that leaders on the situation the best way of action is selected.  Different style of leadership decision-making for specific types may be more appropriate.  This approach features the specific circumstances or environment is operating more on a guide emphasizes.  Leadership qualities vary from status or circumstances, and that any traits or leadership skills in the right conditions can become a standard. Behavior theories Behavioral theories of leadership is the belief that great leaders made, not born but are based.  Build its leadership in behaviorism theory, not leaders on mental qualities or internal states focuses on the works.  According to this theory, people become leaders through education and monitoring can learn. PARTICIPATIVE views Participative leadership theories suggest that the ideal leadership style one that takes account of other peoples input.  Their leaders by group members encourage and support participation and contribution of members of the group decision-making process more relevant and committed to do.  participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow others input Management ideas Management ideas (as well as Transactional theories is said) organization and group supervision focusing on the role of performance.  Rewards and punishment system based on principles of leadership.  Management concepts often used in business and when employees are successful, they are rewarded when they fail, they are reprimanded or punished. Related ideas Related concepts (as well as ideological change is said) establish relations between leaders and followers focus on.  Transformational leaders encourage and help members of the group the importance of encouraging people and seeing more good work.  The leaders of the group members are focused on performance, but also want each person to fulfill his or her potential with the style leader often has high moral and ethical standards. Leadership style Leadership style to provide direction, planning process, and how to inspire people and have vision.  U.S. Army book, 1973 led to identify three ways: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ push aside the dictatorial or Member PARTICIPATIVE à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ or democratic à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ DELEGATIVE or Free State Although good leaders with one of these three styles are used, usually dominate, bad leaders want to stay with a style.  Barclays Bank is using the three leadership styles. Push aside the dictatorial or AUTICRATIC The style used when the leader your employees what he wants and how he wants without the advice of her followers have done is told.  Use some appropriate conditions is that when you all are aware of this problem, youre short on time, and your employees are also encouraged.  Some people run, demeaning language, using and led by threats and abusing their power as a car want to think about this scene.This is not push aside the dictatorial style but for someone abuse, unprofessional style bossing around people called.  A leader has no place in stock. Push aside the dictatorial style usually only be used on rare occasions.  If you have more time and commitment from their employees and want to get excited, you should use the participative style. PARTICIPATIVE or democratic -Style decision-making process of this type (determining what is and how to do) but including one or more employees are leaders. However, the leader maintains final decision making authority.  Use this style is not a sign of weakness, but strength of your employees will respect the signals.  It usually used when you share information, and in other parts of your employees is.  A leader is not expected to know everything thats why you employ staff with knowledge and capable.  The style is of mutual benefit using its employees to become part of the team allows you better and allows you to decide. DELEGATIVE or Free State In addition, non-intervention, interference in the affairs of others is not known.  This style, the leader allows employees to decide. However, MP is still responsible for such decisions are made.  When employees use it to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how it is able to do it.  All you can do anything!  Set your priorities and specific tasks must Representative. To use a lot that you blame others when things can go wrong but a scene is used below when you people be confident and sure style.  One to use it, however, should not be afraid to be effective, it will be used properly!  Here a number of different ways, or to leadership and management style and various mfruzun principles are based.The style that individuals use their beliefs, values and priorities will be based on a combination, as well as organizational culture and norms, which encourage anyone, and will discourage others. In this regard, the following different approach can be classified under the head. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ CHRISMATIC leadership à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ PARTICIPATIVE leadership à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ conditions under à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ TRANSACTIONAL leadership à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ TRANFOMATIONAL leadership à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ a quiet leadership à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Servant leadership Circumstances under which the organization decided to change the IMPLEMNT Organization change in the environment is like to face different challenges Absence of group skills Any organization is the most important skills that will increase its utility is established.Todays changing business environment and who were alive in the changing environment is efficient is.  The manager responsible for a positive change for others and encourage team work that the construction will change.  Not changing the rapid development of the other members easy environment manager accepts the need for change.  He helps them to understand new techniques and procedures.  You get good ideas but very real thing is accepted methods can be translated into these views.Measures the success of any change depends on approval. Lack of enthusiasm and encouragement To maximize movement between employees, managers need to think in terms of flexibility.  Yes, it needs to encourage employees.  Need to encourage employees in a diverse way of awards) ranks.  Manager of the most important goal of capacity development to help their employees and their development work on the various organizational areas provide a variety of learning experiences offered by can do so.1980 primary aspect of this work which various work skills to recognize the importance of work, autonomy, and feedback including Hackman point out One thing that an employees activities and art a number of different skills can use a variety of needs.  This full and identifiable piece of work requires the completion of his life or other peoples work had considerable influence.  If these things work in a person so important, precious and valuable as his or her work will see.  Job autonomy to the owner for work results of my personal responsibility to a sense of duty, and it provides that if a work is the opinion of staff know how effectively he or she will perform  .Encouraging to see from the perspective, these important dimensions shows that received internal awards when an employee shows that he or she is personally any work or they do not care that he has shown good performance on  are.  These conditions is one thing more, grater encourage employee performance and satisfaction and reduce his or her absence or resignation of the features and potential.  High growth with a highly individual experience serious psyc hological states and respond positively when their employment at the basic aspects of development is likely to include people need. Conflict Management A conflict between members of the organization ever arises.  This conflict is not always bad because sometimes good, with team conflict will learn more members, their problems in depth and would also give the most appropriate solution can understand.  Conflicts in the era of globalization teams identify and work success without sacrificing speed successful strategy decided.  But most times conflict results slow down work to success and effectiveness of control strategies will reduce.  An identity that are the root causes of conflict?  Some of these ideas and expectations, lack of information, uncertainty about roles with regard to personal differences are. The following are some points that help to deal with conflict are à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ always work a lot of information. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Facts should primarily focus on. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ more than one alternative should be developed. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Everyone should be a goal. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ decision process is injecting humor. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ resolve issues without forcing consensus. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ maintain a balanced structure of power. Power and politics Power is the ability to control the environment.  If they decide he has power and can work.  If an employee has the right without any instructions can work.  Sometimes very empowering for the organization is very important.  An organization where employees empowered, they observed each other, to correct improper procedures are responsible for, in.  Manager quickly empower your employees are led through.  The decision to increase staff discretion is involved.  Millions of employees work the most important decisions that directly affect their work are.  Activities until very recently they only work part of the manager as seen particularly busy.  Due to empower more employees to those companies who know about the problems are most urgent to need to make decisions.  If organizations successfully competing in a dynamic global economy, they make decisions and change is immediately enforceable.  Increased work demands, managers have to deal with peoples empowerment.  When employees are skilled, knowledge and experiences to their work competently and when they want autonomy and internal locus of control property, it can be beneficial. Rapid changes Organizational change because of changes in internal and external environment are for.  These changes in order for the organization must be flexible to adjust. Diverse workforce Problems faced by another organization organizational goals emulation members work in various organizational efforts are coordinated.  Todays diverse workforce organization gender, race, nationality, age and other characteristics in terms that reflect differences in the more heterogeneous are the property.  Organization requires a large labor force more capacity to meet market demand will be.  Employees do not set their cultural values and lifestyle preferences when it comes to work.  The challenge is for managers, so their organization more different lifestyle, family needs, work style and by addressing different groups of people are accommodating.  Smart managers understand that diversity can be an asset because a companys ideas and problem solving skills is a wide and extra help organizations better understand a diverse customer can. Globalization Management is now forced by national borders.  Globalization is the major importance, and certainly the world has become global village.  All sizes and types worldwide organization manager in the world market is facing challenges to work.Manager of environmental factor like this) ranks due to challenges in the face of doing business.  That, to organize effectively plan, control and should lead cultural differences around the world are successfully managed. General barriers in an organization Organization requires a different kind of talent, but sometimes it happens that the organization has expertise but still not working as it should.  In many cases, the administration is not sensitive to change.  Best use of creative enough potential employees are not put.  The main obstacle is lack of vision to prevent the company to complete use of resources is one.  One to identify problems and potential solutions should be.  If manager for success is the ability to identify opportunities for the development of this will be a barrier.  If creative solutions if administration is not able to identify the long term this will be a problem for the organization.  Another problem that hinders organizational development, not all members are able to deal with the changing environment.  Some rules and values of each organization and its members have to follow the rules and values.  All members would be sensitive to change in this business that change is constant everywhere s hould be the member must change. Effective management Effective management is about: candidates with complete knowledge and create space. To increase productivity , more opportunities should be encouraged. In his current role of the workers to staff growth performance . The best staff performance Increased his wife for. Employee empowerment is very popular term, its growth and change for any organization is important.  Empowering employees for the organization leads to the best results.  Business generally agree that empower employees and increase productivity of the organization and its employees are loyal to the organization. Empowered employees provide better products and services When employees have a right to feel that he is powerful and is more confident.  The trust then leads to better products and services.  Organization for the development and empowerment programs to deal with the changing nature is critical.  Improve its performance and employees are the property of their jobs and products and services for our customers will take delivery.  He is the organization where customer interface is the customer service level. Empowered employees are loyal Whatever situation, more employee business owners, do not like the selection, and training is very expensive.  If employees during organizational change based on organizational development and its commitment to ensure loyalty of employees are right there.  Empowered employees take ownership and pride in their jobs when they know that they needed to exercise independent judge can. Empowered employees are productive When employees feel valued and that they considered their decision and management want to hear their ideas, they work harder to prove yourself right.Organizational development programs to help employees to implement measures included calls for.  And this will increase productivity. Empowered employees create good ideas With every employee got some ideas.  They have different skills can be.  If they share their views and their right to manage development and change management decisions can provide important insight.  He regularly using modern methods can get different products.  Really effective organization development and organization change programs are interested, they acknowledge and reward their employees and give feedback on a regular basis. Empowered employees spread the word Organizational pride if they increased staff development and change program will be strong.  The more empowered employees are more satisfied and more likely that the word is how the company will for others are spread.  We Barclays and Lehman Brothers statement further from unity will discuss. Barclays and Lehman Brothers One Global financial services provider Barclays in 2008 to improve its market to U.S. Lehman Brothers acquired.  Major problems had occurred while the overall Business interruption à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ customers move to other banks at least à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ two different business culture Lehman brothers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Motivation of staff Agent as a CAHNGE Effective handling of problems The first step to solve this problem is to identify the cause of the problem.  Sometimes the problem with employees by talking common behavior problems such minor or occasional tardiness, etc. There is a problem coaching manager or with the other employees directly between them work to resolve the issue with employees  What is an agreement by which a solution can be.  With this opinion for employees to improve their performance to provide is the responsibility of leaders.  Coaching requires time and patience and his behavior was a result of employees will. Poor performance Sometimes an employees expertise but still he does not perform well.  The reason he is upset or unsystematic can or is reckless.  This one can be removed through proper guidance.  But if lack of expertise because of poor performance by additional training can be corrected. Job incompatibility Sometimes this happens due to poor performance of the employees that work according to their abilities was not found.  Their skills are not synchronized or assigned to work with are not compatible.  This problem can be resolved through additional training or set them different work. Dirty work Whenever you feel some of the mistakes that employee errors, point made and closely monitoring their work.  It still they have made a mistake, talk to them and being careless or because they do not work properly due to or try to find out.  But all this one must be positive and know how important it is that the company should have employees. Create an effective message Consider the needs of everyone in the organization and design according to your message so that they understand what you are saying can.  Employee performance depends more on your message.  An effective message will have a great effect on the performance of employees.  A face to face talks will be more appropriate to accept change and support staff can do. Listen to your employees Change management is vital to employee feedback.  Encourage your employees by e-mail or the Internet can provide information.  Successful management of change communication on the basis of stone.  You and your initial conversation with most employees need to understand their message. Stakeholders involved in the change process Investors and business partners and suppliers This change management process influenced by investors to gain their capital investment, but with the old policy did not get that much benefit.  So to achieve their goals for change management process include. Bank employees Bank staff involved in change management process and against the change process because by the old policy is used to work on. Customer Customers included in the change process and change is in favor because they want immediate results and innovation in the organization, they want this change process to be affected. Government and NGO Government and non-governmental organizations and the way government organizations from more taxes and profit in an organization is not, then how they take more taxes and duties if other obligations expected to have affected.  On the other hand non-governmental organizations ask for help from organizations.  If they are not in a good position with the lot will affect their departments for the betterment of the organization want the process of change. 8 step change model is KOTTER Only constant is change. Heraclitus, Greek philosopher Max was true two thousand years ago, just as is true today.  We in a world where business as usual is changing lives in.  New initiatives, project-based work, technology improvements, ahead to stay competitive these things together as we continue to work for changes to run. Whether you a small change in one or two steps, or a systemwide change an organization are considered, it seems normal anxiety and fear of the scale of challenge. You need to change it, but you are supplying How to not really know about.  Where do I start?  How do you add?  You saw how to end by? How to change there are many ideas are about.  Many leadership and change management guru, John Kotter start with.  Harvard Business School and one of the worlds leading experts Professor of change, Kotter 1995 in his books eight step change process began, Leading Change.  We changed under the leadership of the eight steps to look at. Step One: Create instant To be changed, it helps if the whole company really want to do it.  Need for change around developing a sense of immediate.  These things help you get the initial transmission can spark enthusiasm. It is not only poor people figures show sales or talk about the matter more competitive.  That with the market and your competition is about a honest and open dialogue at ease.  Many proposed changes if you start talking about the immediate construction, and can feed on itself. What you can: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ identify potential hazards, and can be expressed in the future development of the situation. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ testing opportunities, or, should be exploited. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ honest debate started, and dynamic and at ease talking to people and get to thinking of. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ customers, stakeholders and industry people out requested support to strengthen your argument. Two steps: form a powerful alliance Persuade people to change is necessary.  The most strong leadership and key people within your organization expressed by supports.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Safety Assessment: Benzalkonium Chloride as Sanitising Agent

Safety Assessment: Benzalkonium Chloride as Sanitising Agent Benzalkonium Chloride Benzalkonium chloride or BAC is an antibacterial agent belonging to the quaternary ammonium compound group. It is widely used in the health care industry and cosmetic industry as an antimicrobial and cleansing agent. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 0.1-0.13% w/w BAC is considered safe and effective as an â€Å"antiseptic drug product†.55 BAC has also been recognized as safe and effective when incorporated into oral mouth rinses.56 BAC is also popularly used as a rinse-free hand sanitizer and for hand washing.57 Short-term and long-term clinical studies have shown that BAC incorporated in intranasal products is safe and well-tolerated. 58 Furthemore, BAC meets the performance criteria under the Tentative Final Monograph for Health Care Antiseptic Drug Products as an active component in rinse-free hand sanitizers. Sufficient evidence exists to support the usage of BAC as a Category I active ingredient in 1994. It was analyzed as a leave-on sanitizer at the Final Monograph for Healthcare Personnel Antiseptic Drug Products. 59 A study by Dyer et al concluded that a hand sanitizer with BAC as the main component was a safe and effective way of decreasing illness absenteeism in grade schools.60 The safety of BAC was reviewed by an expert panel and they concluded that at concentrations of up to 0.1%, free active ingredient is â€Å"safe for human use†.61 It was acknowledged that BAC can be used beyond being an active ingredient for leave-on products because of its safety and antimicrobial effectiveness profiles. The FDA has also agreed upon the usefulness of biocidal quaternary amino actives, particularly BAC, in their previous rulemaking. As an example, the FDA stated that â€Å"it was not seriously concerned with the safety of ‘quats’ for first aid uses like wound cleansers, skin wound protectants, and skin antiseptics† in the 1991 Proposed Rule for Topical Antiseptic Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use; Tentative Final Monograph for First Aid Antiseptic Drug Products. BAC was found to meet the requirements for first-aid antiseptic applications as reviewed by the expert panel at that time. Furthermore, the FDA has permitted the combination of BAC and Benzethonium Chloride homologues at concentrations of up to 0.004% as a food preservative or for long-term ingestible applications.62 At the 2002 16th Report of the Cosmetic Ingredients Review Expert Panel, BAC was announced to be safe at concentrations of up to 0.1% w/w. The cosmetic applications studied here were those that encompassed a daily-use regimen. A publication was done on a cross-over study of 420 grade-school children (5-12 years old) for a period of 10 weeks. They were told to use a leave-on sanitizer with BAC as soon as they entered the classroom, before eating their snacks and lunch, after sneezing or coughing inside the classroom, and after using the restroom. They observed that even with frequent use, there was no adverse reaction such as edema, rash or erythema, among the students during or after the study.40 Another study published in 1998 investigated the performance of an alcohol-free hand sanitizer with BAC. They concluded that the product exceeded the minimum performance standards indicated by the FDA for reducing bacteria.63 BAC has been reported to be effective against a wide variety of microorganisms, such as mixed-type viruses and non-enveloped viruses. BAC even demonstrated on some instances, a significantly higher virucidal activity as compared to alcohol applications. One important aspect of BAC that should not be over-looked is its non-flammable nature. In fact, during the SARS epidemic in 2003, BAC-containing sanitizers were very effective against human coronavirus especially in use in airlines and airports as alcohol-containing products were banned because of issues in flammability. In a study on BAC at reducing illness in public and private schools, they observed a 44.2% decrease in incidence of gastrointestinal illnesses and a 50.2% reduction in respiratory-related illnesses. In a different double-blinded study with 769 students, there was a 33% reduction in illness-related absenteeism. It was recommended that alcohol-free leave-on sanitizers, like those with BAC, are the only appropriate composition for usage in settings as school. This is due to the possible misuse of alcohol-containing sanitizers as a fire accelerant or by intentional ingestion. An excellent review on the issue of bacterial resistance to antibacterial  sanitizers was also recently submitted by SDA to FDA in response to the reopening of the docket for comments. However, the FDA advised that further studies should be done regarding antimicrobial resistance and the potential development of resistance to these agents, including BAC. This was stated at the joint meeting in 1997 of the FDA Advisory Committees. In the field of Orthodontics, Othman et al 64 confirmed that adding BAC to an adhesive produces antibacterial properties. In the study, BAC was incorporated into a light-cured composite resin, and an evaluation of its antimicrobial and physical properties was done. BAC was incorporated into Reliance Phase II adhesive to produce BAC concentration from 0.25% to 2.50% wt/wt. The modified samples were cut into disks and incubated in Strep. mutans for two days. Amount of bacterial inhibition was measured with agar disk diffusion assay. Other disks were placed in brain-heart infusion medium with Strep. sobrinus to measure its adherence. Cells that adhered were measured. Tensile bond strength was analyzed using a universal testing machine by attaching traction hooks to bovine teeth with the modified adhesives. Results showed an increase in antimicrobial activity in composites with higher BAC. Antimicrobial activity was negative for the composites without BAC. The composite with BAC and with out BAC did not show any difference with regard to their diametral tensile stress and tensile bond strength. Therefore, they concluded that when BAC was combined with an orthodontic adhesive, it added antimicrobial properties without changing its mechanical properties. Another study that aimed to create an antibacterial adhesive without compromising its bond strength was done by Saito et al.65 Their aim was to find the dose of BAC that exhibited antibacterial effect and did not compromise bond strength. In Saito’s study, Superbond CB resin cement was used. A mixture of the polymer, monomer, catalyst and BAC was produced according to the instructions of the manufacturer. Composite disks with the following BAC concentration were produced: 0.25%, 0.75%, 1.25%, 1.75%, 2.5%, and 5% (wt/wt). Composite disks of the same size (0.8 mm x 2 .0 mm thickness) were made. The test bacteria used were Strep. mutans 10449 and PS14, and Strep. sobrinus 6715 and B13. A brain-heart infusion medium was used to grow the bacteria. To evaluate the antibacterial activity, disk diffusion assay was utilized. To analyze the release of BAC as shown by an inhibition of growth of the bacteria, the semidiameter of the growth inhibition zone was measured. The bacteria were grown overnight in a broth and diluted. An optical density of 0.5 (550nm) was used. An inoculation of 80  µL (60-fold dilution) was performed on the brain-heart infusion agar plates. A glass rod was used to spread the inoculums evenly providing uniform bacterial growth. The BAC-infused composite disks were placed on the agar and were incubated at 37 ºC. Two days after incubation, the inhibition zones were measured. Saito also tested the shear bond strength using 70 extracted human premolars. The teeth were randomly distributed into seven groups and embedded in acrylic except for the buccal areas which were used for bonding. The teeth were polished using rubber prophylactic cups with pumic for 10 seconds. The teeth were etched with 65% phosphoric acid for 30 seconds and washed for 20 seconds then orthodontic metal brackets were bonded. Composite with the following BAC concentrations were used to bond the brackets: 0%, 0.25%, 0.75%, 1.25%, 2.5%, and 5%. A 300-gram force was applied on each bracket (based on the study of Bishara et al66). The results were presented in standard deviation and mean and analyzed with ANOVA to determine if there were significant differences among the groups. For multiple comparisons, Fisher test was used. Statistical differences were detected by a Chi-square test. Significance was predetermined at P 0.5.38 Results showed that there were significant differences among the composites with different BAC concentrations. No significant differences were found among the bacterial strains. When placed on the agar plate with Strep. mutans or Strep. sobrinus, no inhibition zone was observed on the composite with 0% BAC. The composite disks with BAC demonstrated a significant antibacterial property when compared with the composite without BAC. The antibacterial effect was found to increase as BAC concentration increased. This was indicated by an increase in the bacterial inhibition zones that were measured. The disks with 5% BAC had the highest amount of antibacterial activity. A significant difference in bond strength was noted among the different composites with BAC. However, as BAC concentration was raised, they observed a decline in shear bond strength. The study of Saito et al concluded that adding BAC into composite resin attributes antimicrobial properties strong enough to inhibit Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus. A clinically acceptable range of shear bond strength is yet to be established scientifically. Saito noted that incorporation of BAC does not lessen the strength to less than 10 MPa when an etchant (phosphoric acid) is used. The range of shear bond strength in study was 10.12 MPa – 20.94 MPa. Saito et al further concluded that a composite incorporated with BAC â€Å"has a possibility for clinical application as a bonding adhesive†. It was recommended in the study that it is essential to acquire a long-term release behaviour of an antibacterial agent. Therefore, a study investigating the release behaviour of BAC should be done. It was mentioned in the study by Saito that BAC has been a popular choice of contact lens antiseptic. However, the quantity of BAC used in the study was less than the amount used in contact lenses. A typical bonding procedure in an orthodontic patient requires around 150 mg of composite adhesive. Therefore, 0.7 mg of BAC is required to achieve 0.5% BAC concentration. The same author in 2009 evaluated the antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity of an orthodontic adhesive containing BAC. To achieve the desired concentration of BAC, it was initially diluted to 50% by mixing it with the orthodontic polymer (wt/wt). It was diluted further with polymer to achieve the required concentration. 65 They achieved the following BAC concentrations: 0.25%, 0.75%. 1.25%, 1.75%, 2.5%, and 5.0% (wt/wt). Custom-made molds were used to produce BAC-composite disks of the same size (8.0 mm x 2.0 mm). The disks were evaluated using antibacterial and cytotoxicity assays with three independent runs. To perform the disk diffusion assay, the BAC composite disks were soaked in distilled water at 37 ºC for 0, 30, 90, and 180 days prior to the assessment of antibacterial activity. The test bacteria used were Strep. mutans 10449 and PS14 and Strep. sobrinus 6751 and B13. They were routinely grown in a brain-heart infusion medium for 24 hours. The growth inhibition of Strep. mutans and / or Strep. sobrinus showed the release of BAC into the agar medium. Electric digital callipers were used to take measurements of the zone of growth inhibition around each BAC composite disk. To test the cytotoxicity, human gingival fibroblast cultures were grown from the cells of healthy gingival tissues from patients who were undergoing extraction prior to orthodontic treatment. This was copied from the method of Somerman, et al. After the patients underwent extraction, a part of the gingival tissue attached to the interdental papilla was taken. The samples were washed twice in phosphate-buffered saline solution (PBS). The acquired tissues were dissected into 1-mm cubes and were transferred to 35-mm tissue culture dishes with ÃŽ ±-minimal essential medium supplemented with 100  µg/mL of penicillin G, 500  µg/mL gentamicin sulphate, 0.3  µg/mL amphotericin B, and 10% fetal bovine serum. Incubation of the cultures was done in a 37 ºC humidified incubator with 95% air and 5% carbon dioxide. When confluence was reached, the cells were detached using 0.05% trypsin in PBS for 10 minutes. They were subcultured in flasks and seeded.38 The controls used in the study were the resin disks without BAC. The harvested gingival cells were laid under resin disks. In between the disks and the gingival cells was an 8  µm PET membrane that allowed the passage of the components of the resins to make contact with the human gingival cells. This was based on the study of Tang et al. Incubation with the gingival cells were done at 37 ºC for 1, 3, and 6 days.38 A reduction assay kit containing tetrazolium bromide was used to assess the cytotoxicity. This was based on the reduction that occurs to MTT when exposed to living cell mitochondria. It becomes purple fromazan. After 1, 3, and 6 days, the cells were cleaned with PBS after removal of the resins and the medium. Addition of 0.5 mL MTT medium solution was made to the wells. The solution was incubated at 37 ºC for 3 hours. A microplate reader was used to measure the purplish lysate. They observed significant differences among the different lengths of time the samples were soaked in distilled water and among the BAC concentration. With the different bacteria, they did not detect any significant differences. No difference that was significant enough was also observed between the bacterial strain and BAC. There were significant differences noted regarding the antibacterial activity at 0 day between samples with 5% BAC compared to other BAC concentrations. There were also significant differences observed regarding antibacterial activity among 0.25%, 0.75%, and 1.25% BAC, and 1.75%, 2.5%, and 5% BAC concentration. However, there was not any significant difference detected among 1.75%. 2.5%, and 5% BAC concentrations. There was a significant difference at 180 days between 0.25%, 0.75%, and between 1.25% and 5% concentrations. They observed that the higher the concentration of BAC in the composite, the greater the decrease that occurred in antibacterial property based on the assay time prolongation. They concluded that when the samples were not soaked in water, they exhibited higher antibacterial activity. The resins with 5% BAC had the highest antibacterial property. There was a significant decrease in antibacterial activity after soaking the samples in water for 180 days at all BAC concentrations. The samples incorporated with 5% BAC had the highest antibacterial activity compared to the resin with 0.25% at all periods of the experiment. In fact, the antibacterial activity exhibited by the resin with 5% BAC soaked for 180 days was the same as the antibacterial activity shown by the resin containing 0.25% and 1.75% BAC prior to immersion in water. There were significant differences in MTT activity percentages among the BAC composites with regard to cytotoxicity to the human gingival cells. Saito’s study concluded that resins with 1.25% or 1.75% BAC exhibited constant antibacterial properties when immersed in water for 180 days due to the continuous BAC release. However, an increase in cytotoxicity was noted as the antibacterial activity increased. Therefore, composites with a higher concentration of BAC were shown to be more cytotoxic. A concentration of BAC that was 0.25% or 0.75% exhibited cytotoxicity similar to the resins without BAC or the controls at all test periods. Saito et al recommended that a similar study be made using saliva instead of water as the immersing medium. This is due to the presumption that the oral environment is different that it may influence the antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity of the resins with BAC. The study confirmed that adding BAC to a composite resin exhibits an antibacterial effect against Strep. mutans and Strep. sobrinus. The author suggested that BAC be tested in vivo for safety before it is tested clinically.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

John Adams versus John Quincy Adams Essay -- essays research papers

Even though John Adams (1735-1826) and John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) were father and son, also they were our President in the United States but they are not the same. The differences are their early lives, the early political career, and major presidential actions. The early lives of John Adams and John Quincy Adams are different. John Adams?s father, who also named John, sent his son ? young Adams to Harvard College at age fifteen, and he expected him to become a minister. His father was working hard to make young Adams?s life different than his own which was to become an educated person. However, John Adams did not want to become a minister. After he graduated in 1755, he taught school for few years in Worcester, and that allowed him to think about his career choice. After much reflection, he decided to become a lawyer, and studied law in the office of James Putnam, a prominent lawyer in Worcester. In 1758, he was admitted to the bar. He put the skill to good use as a lawyer, often recording cases he observed so that he could study and reflect upon them. His report of the 1761 argument of James Otis in the superior court of Massachusetts as to the legality of Writs of Assistance is a good example. On the other hand, John Quincy?s fat her which is John Adams did not push him to become a minister. Moreover, John Adams brought young Adams to France (1778 ? 1779) and to the Netherlands (1780 ? 1782) to acquire his early education at institutions at the University of Leiden. John Adams let his son explored the world more than his own father did. At age fourteen, young Adams accompanied Francis Dana on a mission to St. Petersburg, Russia, to gain recognition to the new republic. He also spent time in Finland, Sweden, Den... ... appointed him. He felt he deserve credit for helping to set this country on the right path towards freedom, prosperity, and loyalty to the country. Although they might not appreciate it now, his confident future generations will follow his lead to make this country the best it can be. For that generation he could offer this, once you set your goals, never give up. He had numerous jobs as minister and ambassadors to many different countries before he finally won the election to become the President. The path he traveled was not easy, but I think he believed his hard work paid off. I think if he still alive today he would probably take revenge on all those crooked politicians he had been hearing about who take bribes and shred confidential documents. They deteriorate the fabric this country was built on, and it will be a long time before it is fully repaired.