Friday, July 19, 2019

How To Set Up A Repel :: essays research papers

How to set up a repel and repelling down safely   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before you start to learn on how to set up a repel you must gather the following tools: 2 people, rope that can reach the ground from where you wish to repel from (this should be 10 mm static rope), one figure eight, four carabineers, a harness, the knowledge of how to tie figure eight knots and water knots, two pieces of webbing long enough to tie from a stable off structure to your rope, and leather gloves. It should take you anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to set up this repel. You must first go and find an area where you can repel down that has 3 places to tie off from. You must find 3 sturdy places that will not give way once you start to repel down. Some examples would be thick trees, steel beams, and concrete pillars. Then you must tie a figure eight knot at the end of your rope that you are repelling off from. Then you will wrap the rope around the secure structure five times and slip a carabineer in the figure eight and attach and lock it to the other end of the rope. Pull the rope so it is tight and there is no chance of slipping. Next find the other two places to tie off from and go ahead and tie the webbing into water knots around the tie off points and attach a carabineer and lock it to the webbing from the rope. Where you attach the carabineer to the rope you should also tie a figure eight knot in the rope. Once you have tied everything up you must then go ahead and test the ropes to make sure they will not slip.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now that everything is safe and secure you must deploy the rope down to the ground. Before you throw the rope you must yell â€Å"rope† to let anyone below know what is coming down. Next put on your harness, and the person who is not going to repel down the rope should go ahead and go down to where you plan on repelling down to. They are going to go down there to be your safety if you start to fall.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Next you must put a carabineer through the bottom of your harness and also threw the belt as well.

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