Monday, December 30, 2019

Dota Addiction Effects in Academic Performance - 2977 Words

DOTA ADDICTION - FACTOR AFFECTING THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN STI EDUCATION SERVICES GROUP INC. 2nd SEMESTER SY 2012-2013 A Research Paper Presented to the General Education STI Education Services Group Inc. Cagayan de Oro City In Partial Fulfillment Of the requirements for the Communication Arts II Juila Hanah Z. Bayson Raschel M. Dais March 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We, the researchers, would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the particular individuals and group of people who have helped us, through their supports such as providing necessary information, time, effort ,training, teaching and encouragements, we were able to make and finish our research. Danilo C. Ocapan Jr., our instructor who all†¦show more content†¦The map has gone on to influence other maps and games, including the upcoming strategy game Demigod. DOTA GAMES have now been with us for over 30 years. The Atari 2600 is nearly 25 years old. Civilization is now nearly 10 years old. Yet, many Americans fail to recognize these complex achievements as more than fads or child’s play. Ask most people what they think about video games, DOTA and many will respond that they’re a waste of time. Many critics argue that games produce socially isolated people or promote violent behavior. DOTA games are simple, mind numbing entertainment. Playing games is a waste of time. Some of these criticisms may (or may not) be true, but to view all game playing through this lens is to ignore the broader history of games and the diverse range of game playing experiences available. In fact, the DOTA games sales charts reflect this diversity. The Sims Theâ€Å"animated dollhouse† game where players create and play out digital fantasyhouseholds has dominated the charts for 18 months straight. There are so many computer games which is being addicted by the children or students either in high school and college and even the elementary really like the DOTAShow MoreRelatedA Case Study on the Effects of Playing Dota6523 Words   |  27 PagesCHAPTER I The Problem and its Background Introduction There are many students and even some young professional are addicted to Defense of the Ancients or DotA. This is a kind of computer games that can be played by many players and is one of the most popular games to young students. Many students get addicted to this game and they even long hours inside the computer shop just playing this kind of game. There are studies that getting addicted in playing computer games affects their studiesRead MoreA Case Study on the Effects of Playing Dota6511 Words   |  27 PagesCHAPTER I The Problem and its Background Introduction There are many students and even some young professional are addicted to Defense of the Ancients or DotA. 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Definition of terms DOTA - is a  multiplayer online battle arena  game in a three-dimensional environment, presented from an  oblique  high-angle perspective. The player commands one of 110  controllable character  Heroes. Each Hero begins the match at level one and becomes more powerful by accumulating experience points through combat, thereby leveling up to the maximum level of twenty-five. With every level gained the player either selects a new ability for their Hero to learn or enhance their generalRead MoreCase Study3720 Words   |  15 PagesCHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION Defense of the Ancients (DOTA) is a custom scenario for Warcraft III, based on the Aenon of Strife map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is to destroy the opponents Ancient. The two teams ancients are heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters called creeps. With successive versions, featuresRead MoreEffects of Computer Addiction on the Academic Performance of the Students1272 Words   |  6 PagesEffects of computer addiction on the Academic Performance of the students A Research paper Submitted to the Faculty of Education City College of Tagaytay In Partial Requirement for the subject, Educational Research Von Bryan A. Borja BSE – IIA Submitted to: Mrs. Lorena Constante October 17, 2012 Introduction    It is known that we are living in technological era. The computers become irreplaceable tool in everyday life of almost each personRead MoreRelated Literature of Computer Exposure2309 Words   |  10 Pagessearch in the internet for their project or assignments, although others do so, but there are some who just make it as an alibi so that they can compete skills with their peers through playing games online like for example war craft, battle realms, DOTA etc. Related Literature Foreign Since Time named the microcomputer their â€Å"Man of the Year† in 1983 there has been a continued drive for public school teachers to become computer literate. A nationwide study concluded that although teachers haveRead MoreThe Effects of Computer Games to the Academic Performance of the Students2131 Words   |  9 PagesComputer addiction is a relatively new term used to describe a dependency on ones computer. Computer addiction is not limited to personal computers (PCs). It covers video games and the Internet and has already been given a label by psychologists, namely Internet addiction disorder (IAD). People can grow addicted to a variety of substances, and there is usually a substantial amount of help available to treat them. Alcohol, drugs and sex have all been known to bring out the addictive personalityRead MorePlaying Video Game : The Popularity Of Video Games2030 Words   |  9 Pagesdays, video game was never a threat, but after its commercialization, it has taken control over our lives in a great way. At first, people started playing video game for fun. They used to play it for the refreshment, but now it has become a kind of addiction for many people. Almost every one of us has played video game once in our life and many of us are still addicted to it. In their article, â€Å"Internet Gaming Disorder,† Yau and Potenza state that, â€Å"In 2013, the video game market totaled $93 billionRead MoreEffects of Computer Addiction to the Interpersonal Relationship of the Students3303 Words   |  14 PagesThe Effects of Computer Addiction to the Interpersonal Relati onship of the College Computer Studies Students Jervy Centeno Donn Geo Dimayacyac Leah Janina Duran Charmaine Marinduque Camille G. Santiago Mr. Jonathan Roque Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background Introduction Computer addiction can have a variety of negative effects on a person. The most immediate are social. The user withdraws from friends and family as he spends more and more

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Caesar Essay - 761 Words

Caesar In history it is rare to find truly great leadership, but every once in a while someone comes along so charismatic that even his enemies cannot but admire him. Rome in the first century B.C. was replete with statesmen, generals and leaders who to this day are remembered as being among the greatest and most fascinating that ever lived. But there is no doubt as to the most memorable of these. Gaius Julius Caesar lived from 100 to 44 B.C. and though his life began and ended with Rome beset by internal strife and the threat of civil war, he did more than anyone to consolidate the power of Rome and facilitate the rise of the Roman empire. It is true that the political and social climate of Rome had been changing rapidly for two†¦show more content†¦In war or peace, â€Å"his ability to secure the affection of his men and to get the best out of them was remarkable† (Plutarch, 259). Suetonius describes him heroically as â€Å"a most skillful swordsman and horseman with surp rising powers of endurance...It is a disputable point which was the more remarkable when he went to war: his caution or his daring† (41). This is a prominent characteristic of Caesar: there were many sides to him. He could pardon some of his most bitter political enemies and grant degrees of autonomy to conquered people, but at the same time he could crucify a band of pirates who once captured him, divorce his wife on questionable grounds, and brazenly flaunt his power as dictator before jealous and fearful senators. â€Å"In his administration of justice he was both conscientious and severe...†(Suentonius, 33).Though he was temperate with regards to drink, he was among the most licentious of all Romans in his love affairs. He refused the crown Mark Antony offered him but he daily centralized more power to his name as dictator. Caesar was in more ways than one, â€Å"every woman’s man and every man’s woman† (Suetonius, 37). So vibrant and powerful w as he that for the few years of his dictatorship, he was the governmentShow MoreRelatedThe Julius Caesar671 Words   |  3 Pages Julius Caesar is the one of the famous Roman generals. Many may recognize this name from the great works of Shakespeare. Before the great works of Shakespeare, Julius Caesar was famous in his Roman city which. Julius Caesar was a dictator that turned the Roman republic to the Roman Empire. Even though the life time of Julius Caesar took place in 100 BC – 44 BC, people everywhere will mention Caesar’s name and legacy. For starters, Julius Caesar’s time wasRead MoreEssay about Julius Caesar: The Spirit of Caesar619 Words   |  3 Pagesbest at everything – now imagine Julius Caesar. It seems as though the last one doesn’t fit, does it? However, wasn’t Caesar one of the most influential people during the time of the Roman Empire AND didn’t he influence our world today? As well as in reality, in the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, this man has a very interesting role. Despite the fact that he is immensely influential during his life, after his assassination it seems as though Caesar is still influential – or, more specificallyRead MoreAugustus Caesar vs. Julius Caesar Essay673 Words   |  3 Pagesdefines him even today: Augustus. He was also immediately proclaimed as a divine figure in Rome; by being granted the name Augustus, and also appointing himself â€Å"Pontimus Maximus†, Augustus immediately gained the respect of the citizens. While Julius Caesar also declared himself divine through the title of â€Å"Pontimus Maximus†, Augustus pursued this positive self-portrayal even further: he proclaimed himself quasi-divine, as a descendant of Venus herself. Augustus established nationwide admiration andRead MoreJulius Caesar972 Words   |  4 PagesIn Shakespeare’s historic tragedy, Julius Caesar, Cassius struggles to take down Rome’s extremely admired leader, Caesar. To cause Caesar’s demise, Cassius must convince Brutus, Caesar’s trusted companion, to join him and the conspirators. In order to do this, Cassius goes through many steps to achieve this throughout act one, ending in the fall of Caesar later in the play. Before Cassius begins to arrange the assassination of Caesar, he must first not only gain Brutus’s approval, but also gainRead MoreShakespeare’s Julius Caesar Vs. Plutarch’s Julius Caesar1549 Words   |  7 Pagescolossusï ¿ ½(Julius Caesar 1.2.142-43). These words were spoken by Cassius, a character in Shakespeares play Julius Caesar. He is speaking about Julius Caesar and Caesars arrogance and overconfidence. This quote also shows how Shakespeare perceived Julius Caesar as a prominent and influential man of his time. However, this view is not shared by all of the biographers that chose to write about Julius Caesar. In fact a famous ancient writer named Plutarch depicted Julius Caesar as a power-hungryRead MoreEssay on Caesar versus Brutus in Julius Caesar by Shakespeare506 Words   |  3 PagesCaesar versus Brutus in Julius Caesar by Shakespeare Throughout history Marcus Brutus has been blamed for the death of Caesar and ultimate downfall of Rome; upon taking a closer look Burtus is not entirely to blame. Brutuses actions were based only for good of Rome, and even then he was acting on the false letters that were sent to him by Cassius. It can also be said the Cassius was as much to blame as Brutus, after all he was the one sending the fake letters to him. But Read MoreJulius Caesar2287 Words   |  10 PagesStudy Guide for â€Å"The Tragedy of Julius Caesar† by William Shakespeare The following questions will help you to prepare for your eventual test over â€Å"Julius Caesar†. While I will not be collecting this, it is on you to make sure that you are answering the questions as we go. Your test will be taken directly from this study guide. Act I 1) Judging from the events in Act I, the political mood and behavior of the Romans are best described how? 2) When we first see Brutus, he appears to be ________________________Read More Julius Caesar Essay: Decision Making in Julius Caesar862 Words   |  4 Pages Decision Making in Julius Caesar nbsp; Making the right decisions is an ongoing struggle for man, because making decisions is never easy, and the wrong decision can lead to endless perils. Decisions must be made when dealing with power, loyalty, and trust. Yet, unlike other decisions, ones that are about these three fields are the most important, due to the risk involved, and because of the consequences that might follow. nbsp; Power- power is the complete domination of others, andRead MoreComparing Julius Caesar s The Twelve Caesars 1729 Words   |  7 PagesGaius Julius Caesar, known today as Julius Caesar. He was a Praetor, Aedile, Consul, Pontifex Maximus, and dictator for life, and his greatest achievement is changing the Roman republic to the Roman empire. His life ended tragically when he was stabbed twenty three times by his political enemies. Creating the Roman empire changed the history of his people. The three main sources used in this essay are Julius Caesar by Joshua J. Mark, Caesar, Julius by Justin Cornfield, and The Twelve Caesars by SuetoniusRead MoreThe Death Of Julius Caesar1106 Words   |  5 Pagesthe death of Julius Caesar became the most famous assassination in history. The death of Julius Caesar is placed in full context of Rome’s civil wars by eminent historian Barry Strauss. Moreover, the assassination itself was a complexly layered plan that was a direct result of Caesar’s power and leadership choices leading up to the fateful day. These key events leading up to the Ides of March—and the aftermath that followed—are important to understanding the immense effect Caesar s death had on Rome

Friday, December 13, 2019

American Literature and Research Free Essays

string(80) " the idea of conformity, as George states,† I don’t notice it any more\." Society affects the lives of people who live in it. It dictates how they should behave and establishes norms that are expected to be obeyed otherwise people who do not fulfill the expectations are considered as deviant, rebellious and society’s outcasts. Society, however, is susceptible to change, as it is highly shaped by the events and its resulting pervasive ideas, occurring in certain periods of time. We will write a custom essay sample on American Literature and Research or any similar topic only for you Order Now The three stories, â€Å"The Vanishing American Hobo† by Jack Kerouac, â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† by Kurt Vonnegut and â€Å"Soldier’s Home â€Å"by Ernest Hemingway clearly illustrates how society changes and how it affects the people in it and how people attempts to suppress deviance. The story â€Å"Soldier’s Home† is a story of a young man who returns as a changed man to Oklahoma in 1919 after the First World War. This story was first published in 1925. The young soldier Harold â€Å"Krebs† enlisted in the Marines and goes to war for two years. When he returns home it is very obvious that he is not the same hopeful, slick, religious young man in the picture who goes to a Methodist College and enjoys college lives with fraternity brothers anymore. Now he is passive and refers to himself as not part of the â€Å"Kingdom†. Moreover, it seems he does not want to be involved with life in general, the reason is that,† He did not want consequences †¦. he wanted to live along without consequences,† therefore he withdrew (Hemingway 2007). Around him there is an air and sense of loss, he even has to lose his own war stories as he had to tell lies about his experiences since people in his town decided they have had enough of the stories of atrocities related by the soldiers who came home earlier than him. Moreover, there are so many things that he does not want to take part anymore even courting as it states, â€Å"He did not want to have to do any courting† (Hemingway 2007). It is pretty obvious that the war had changed Krebs, and the line â€Å"he couldn’t make her see it†, when he comforts his mother after telling her that he does not love her, hinted to the reason (Hemingway 2007). The war had taught him a lot of things including stifling his emotions. And most importantly, he could not explain to his mother what he had gone through in the war, he could not make her understand and see the horror the war has exposed him. But his family, especially his parents, could not see why he has to act that way while the other soldiers in the neighborhood had clearly moved on, having good jobs and getting married, and so they pressured him to go back to the normal society. The First World War brought many countries into a global armed conflict that was considered the first devastating and horrible event in all of human history. People died by the thousands and many suddenly find themselves losing their family and friends. The soldiers, especially, are daily exposed not only to the hardships of war but the terror and anxiety that accompanies it. Trench warfare specifically exposed the soldiers to a very harsh, stagnant and extremely dangerous environment. Right before their eyes skulls and brains were blown away. An example of a horrible incident is when a man who had the top of his head blown away was groaning like an animal for three hours before he died (Hemingway Lecture Notes). Soldiers surrounding him cannot avoid being affected by such painful human torture, as they were helpless to ease his pain. No wonder that an incident like this made many soldiers who return home after the war broken, without hope and suffer emotional numbness and disbelief like Krebs did. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs it is normal that soldiers experiences a kind of trauma (shellshock and post traumatic stress disorder) after the war since it is indeed a very shocking human experience. Soldiers feel somehow dissociated from what they know is â€Å"normal life†. It is possible that the other soldiers like Charley Simmons who easily adjusted to normal life in Oklahoma did not suffer as much as Krebs did. Studies revealed that soldiers do not experience the same kind of trauma as not all of them are exposed to more â€Å"prolonged, extensive, and horrifying† situation as Krebs probably was. However, society put pressure on them by expecting them to move on, to forget the war (â€Å"National Center† 2007). The short story â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† reflects the 1950’s conformity lifestyle and the rebellious protestation of a young boy against it. It was published in 1961. The story describes the hopeful and desperate attempts of that society to eliminate differences and to achieve equality especially in terms of intellect and physical appearance. If any man has above normal average intelligence, they put a metal handicap radio in his ear which in every 20 seconds, a noise from the government transmitter will interrupt his thinking, so that he cannot use his intelligence for his advantage. If a woman is beautiful, a hideous mask covers her face to conceal her beauty. Moreover, people are burdened with sashweights and bags of birdshot to keep them from being graceful in their movements or to reduce their strength. The point is, anything that can make them look as superior from every body else are made into a handicap. They do not want â€Å"to go back to the dark ages again, with everybody competing against everybody else† (Vonnegut 2005). Moreover, the idea of disobeying the law, when Hazel suggested that they made a hole to take out some lead balls from the birdshot canvas bag, was an unthinkable thing for according to George, â€Å" The minute people start cheating on laws, what do you think happens to society†( Vonnegut 2005)? They believe that cheating on laws brings social upheavals that they do not like. The strange thing is that Hazel and George and the people around them seem to get used to the idea of conformity, as George states,† I don’t notice it any more. You read "American Literature and Research" in category "Free Research Paper Samples" It just a part of me† (Vonnegut 2005). However, their son, Harrison, is put into jail and eventually killed for rebelling against it. As the Handicapper General attacked their son on TV, parents of Harrison were not able to help him. Two are several forces that led into the conformity of the 1950†s: the Korean conflict and the threat of communism. But the underlying root cause of it all is the fear of the terrors of war that they previously experienced in the Second World War. Therefore to avoid any conflict, social conformity is encouraged since they believed that conformity is unity. The place of men and women in society were clearly defined: women stay home while the men go out to work and achieve the American dream. This is being depicted by Hazel and George Bergeron: Hazel stays at home while George works. Men are especially drawn to the collective idea of â€Å"organization man†; they were expected to work in corporations, to put on flannel suits and pursue the American dream. The American dream is like the Handicapper General that dictates the ideas and dreams of the people. Every one is encouraged to think and act alike and was preoccupied with the lure of consumerism and materialism. Conformity are also seen in the sameness of house designs , like the one in Levittown and the sameness of appetite, as Americans began to be obsessed with fast foods. Conformity was especially achieved with the aid of Television. As in the story, all of the action occurred in front of the Television (Costello 2007). However, the young generations are beginning to rebel, as symbolized by Harrison, but the force of conformity was so strong that parents are in bondage to it, unable to extend the necessary psychological and emotional help that their children desperately needed. The â€Å"Vanishing American Hobo† was published in 1960. It tells of the experiences of the hobos as they travels like vagabonds from place to place across America usually with back packs on their backs. They are a people who choose to live as exiles of society, who sleep just anywhere, to experience the freedom that they desire, â€Å"There’s nothing nobler than to put up with a few inconveniences like snakes and dust for the sake of absolute freedom† (Kerouac 2008). But freedom from what? Obviously from their restrictive society who dictates what they should do or have. According to Kerouac, the hobo â€Å"is born of pride, having nothing to do with a community but with himself and other hobos and maybe a dog† (Kerouac 2008). This means that they are proud of their lifestyle or subculture, that they deliberately do not want to associate with society and maintain little intimate interest with other people, aside from the hobos like them. The author laments that they are quickly becoming a vanishing lot because of the police and the media. The police, riding in their tax-paid police, cars searches for them everywhere suspecting them as possible spies against the government while the media, on the other hand, portray them as â€Å"the rapist, the strangler, and child-eater† so that adults and children stay away from them and no longer provides them with the food that they need (Kerouac 2008). This shows clearly the attempts of the government to suppress the subculture that they symbolizes and to force them back to what is â€Å"normal†. In the wake of the conformity of the 1950’s arises the Beat generation. â€Å"Beat generation† is attributed to Jack Kerouac. Though it could mean being defeated or weary of life â€Å"like being pushed up against the wall† or implying a sense of being used or raw Jack would also like it to refer to what is beatific (The Beat Generation Lecture). Jack and his friends, in ushering in the beat generation, encourages the protest of the 60’s against the established society of materialism, where everyone are encouraged to own cars and decent homes. The generation, having experienced uncertainties of the Depression and the terror of war in childhood, is a disillusioned lot who desperately wants to hold on to something that they can believe in(Beat Generation Lecture Notes; Abieva [no date]). They do not find such meaning in the collective conformity of the 1950’s, the generation of their fathers. In fact, they do not trust this collective society who was responsible for the bad circumstances of depression and global wars. The hobos, particularly, are glorified as people who defy the restrictive and demanding norms of society in pursuit of freedom. They symbolize the solitary desire of that generation, to be left alone, to figure things out for themselves, to search for meaning. As the period was compounded by hysteria of the rise of communism, it seems that the right thing to do in that generation, to preserve ones individual identity, is to quit that society. Attempts were made to discourage this deviance (subculture) as what McCarthy did in his pursuit against communism. The media and police were effective tools for suppression (Abieva, [no date]). The three stories therefore clearly give an insight into the societies in the periods of American history following just after turbulent struggles. The horrors and uncertainties of the Wars and Depression molded the consciousness of the people, and as they try to cope with the challenge of their era, it therefore changed their way of thinking and lifestyle. People become united for certain causes and also united in their sufferings. However, some people do try to get out of its safe mold, to carve a life according to the dictates of their own minds. To be different is what scares most people so that society always attempts to suppress this deviance back to conformity by exerting force or pressure. Works Cited Abieva, Natalia. Protest and Experiment in the Literature of the Beat Generation. Fairfield University. [no date]. Accessed November 4, 2008 http://www. faculty. fairfield. edu/faculty/ hodgson/RussiaDiversity/LastYear/Thebeats. htm Costello, Mr. Conformity Notes: 1950s Lecture On Society. Canfield Foundation Website. March 2007. Accessed November 4, 2008 http://servtlc. access-k12. org/ achievement/Fifties_Conformity. htm Hemingway, Ernest. â€Å"Soldier’s Home†. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 2007. Accessed November 4, 2008 http://www. cis. vt. edu/modernworld/d/ hemingway. html#3 Kerouac , Jack. â€Å"The Vanishing American Hobo†. Cloud Bird Trail Home. 2008. Accessed November 4, 2008 http://cloudbirdtrail. talkspot. com/aspx/templates/ topmenuclassical. aspx/msgid/326411 â€Å"National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder â€Å". United States Department of Veterans Affairs. May 2007. Accessed November 4, 2008 http://ncptsd. va. gov/ncmain/ncdocs/ fact_shts/fs_older_veterans. html Vonnegut, Kurt. â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†. West Valley College. September 2005. Accessed November 4, 2008 http://instruct. westvalley. edu/lafave/hb. html How to cite American Literature and Research, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Gratitude for the Mentors in Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha example Essay Example For Students

Gratitude for the Mentors in Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha example Essay Carl Jung once said, â€Å"One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for growing plant and for the soul of the child.† Siddhartha, a novel by Hermann Hesse, follows Siddhartha through his life stages. While Siddhartha searches for enlightenment and Nirvana; going from Brahmin, to the rich, then to having nothing. The audience can read about his struggles and sufferings that guide him to enlightenment. Siddhartha’s journey gives him several teachers and mentors; some were conventional and some more symbolic. All of them though were important and help Siddhartha to his enlightenment. The first teachers that Siddhartha has are the Brahmins and the Samanas. They are important though they do not lead him to his goal, but guide him to a path of enlightenment. â€Å"He had begun to suspect that his worthy father and his other teachers, the wise Brahmins, had already passed on to him the bulk and best of their knowledge.† (3) The Brahmins were important to Siddhartha, because they give Siddhartha a religious foundation. At the same time though Siddhartha knows if he stays with the Brahmin he will not grow spiritually. The audience comes to this solution when Siddhartha says, â€Å"And the vessel was not full.† (3) â€Å"Then the father realized that Siddhartha could no longer remain with him at home – that he had already left him.† (9) The realization that Siddhartha’s father teaches him everything he knows, helps him let go of Siddhartha. His father understands that Siddhartha hasn’t filled his thirst, therefore he hands him over to the next teacher, the Samana, hoping to help Siddhartha’s goals of . . er, which is really Siddhartha himself, are the true mentors that lead him to his true enlightenment. They are the ones that had the most influence in Siddhartha’s life. Jung mentions gratitude for teachers who touch oneselves feelings, and that’s exactly how Siddhartha feels towards his mentors. There are always those teachers who change one’s perspective and thinking. Siddhartha is lucky to have a couple of those teaches on his journey. Siddhartha reaches enlightenment after his life-long journey, and through his life he had several teachers that get him there. His mentors are different from each other, but they are all helpful to Siddhartha’s journey in their own way. The most important teacher is himself though, because it’s Siddhartha that always gets back on track to enlightenment. Works Cited Hesse, Hermann, Siddhartha, New Delhi: Rupa Publications, 2003

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Essay Example

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Essay Example A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Paper A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Paper Essay Topic: Literature George Orwell was born in 1903 in India where his family were members of the upper middle class. He was educated at Eton but refused to attend a higher education establishment but never the less was still very well educated. He joined the Burma Police Force instead for a six-year stretch. When Orwell returned to England, he began his writing career and produced some of his most famous works. His inspiration was the political state of Europe with dictators such as Hitler and Stalin dominant. This led to the novella Animal Farm, which was written in 1944. It shows Orwells disgust with Stalins style of socialism. Animal Farm was very controversial as the state of the USSR was admired by many socialists of the time; thus his publisher Victor Gollancz refused to accept it, as did T. S. Eliot and Jonathan Cape before Martin Secker Warburg, Ltd finally accepted it in 1945. This slowed the publishing of the novella by eighteen months. It is possible to trace the origins of Animal Farm back to Orwells spell of fighting in the Spanish Civil War. He saw himself primarily as a political writer. A democratic socialist, who avoided party labels, hated totalitarianism and he became progressively disillusioned with methods of communism, his plain, colloquial style made him a highly effective pamphleteer and journalist. One of his first pamphlets was called Inside the Whale (1940). Out of all Orwells work Animal Farm is still the most famous and the way it deals with political satire. Both Swift and Orwell mixed in literary circles, Swift with writers such as Steele, Addison, Congreve and Pope. Orwell with T. S. Eliot, Cyril and Virginia Wolf. Jonathan Swift was born in 1667 in Dublin where he was educated at Trinity College. Swifts family originated in England, but then settled in Ireland, due his familys strong Protestant background, although he did support Catholics as well, as shown in Modest Proposal threw no separation of the poor, into religious beliefs. In 1689 Swift became private secretary to William Temple who introduced him to the literary, political and aristocratic circles of the time. It was from Temples style that Swift developed his literary powers and got involved in political affairs. During his time with Temple, Swift wrote three satires A Tale of a Tub, The battle of books and Discoveries concerning the mechanical operation of spirit. Swift became vicar of Laracor in Ireland but kept returning to England where he was heavily involved in politics. After Temple died Swift, began to produce pamphlets. In 1701 he wrote one praising the conduct of the Whig, or liberal leaders. This work, A discourse of the contest and dissensions between the nobles and commons in Athens and Rome. The majority of Swifts literary pieces are based on real people and events. For example Gullivers Travels (1726), lampooned the Whigs as the little men while his friends the Tories took the form of Gulliver. From this point on Swift focused his energy on Irish affairs. A Modest Proposal was written in 1729, as a pamphlet discussing the political state of Ireland at the time. Animal Farm and a modest Proposal are written in entirely different genres. Orwells Animal Farm, is written in the novella genre, more specifically as an extended fairy story. The novella is an allegorical representation of events in Russia following the fall of the Tsar in 1917. It mainly focuses on Stalins government of the country from the 1920s to the end of the Second World War. The story can also be taken as a more general attack on and analysis of the search for power and the way in which corrupt figures can gain and manipulate for their own purposes. The animals revolution directly mirrors the Russian Revolution; the animals over throw the humans, Just as the Bolshevik Party over threw the Romanov Dynasty. Swifts A Modest Proposal is written as a political pamphlet, arguing an expedient solution to the problem of poverty among Irelands poor. One of sixty plus pieces on Irish affairs Swift wrote after 1920. The pamphlet can be broken down into six sections. To begin with Swift sets out the problem, which is the overcrowding in Dublin, this is followed by his solution to sell yearling children of the poor, to the wealthy for food. In the next section Swift digresses and talks about how his suggestion can be executed. In the following section a list of advantages is given for the reader. Section five gives the reader some reasons why no other solutions will work. The final section is Swifts disclaimer, this covers him for has previously been said. Swifts satirical writing gives him the freedom to taunt the government of the time, with his appalling proposal. George Orwells style in Animal Farm is a novella as opposed to a pamphlet like Modest Proposal. This is noticeable through the narrative form, characters and a theme. The theme, corruption of power differs to Modest Proposal that concentrates not so much on corruption but an attack on the selfish misuse of power. E. g. Swift thought of himself as English. At the time of the Battle of the Boyne, when William defeated James II in 1690 (the Glorious Revolution had been peaceful in England but bloody in Ireland), Swift was with Temple in Surrey. Yet after this time he became increasingly known as an Irish patriot. What he experienced in Ireland was very similar to the experience of the American colonists under George III all the disadvantages of direct rule from London, and none of advantages. Since no politician in England gave much thought to Ireland, the land was bled by absentee landlords, denied fair trading terms and ruled by second-rate officials who could behave irresponsibly with no one to care about the consequences. Corruption is shown almost immediately through Old Major and his commandments, which act as a motif, misleading the animals into believing what he says is best for them. To begin with he tells the animals All animals are equal then the 7 commandments are abridged for the last time simply reading, All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. At this point the pigs are behaving like humans: buying newspapers, smoking and wearing clothes. Although from the beginning the animals are anthropomorphic but still retain enough animal characteristics for them to be credible as farm animals. The pigs take this to the extreme. The authorial voice in Animal Farm is that of a storyteller writing in a traditional format. Simple detail is paid to characters and setting for example references to the farm and immediate identification with the animals: The hens perched themselves on the window -sills, the pigeons fluttered up to the rafters Simple and straight forward. Animal Farm follows a conventional narrative structure. The narrator tells its events in chronological order. The story itself contains a believable mixture of human and animal characters- even when the human characters are seen to clearly understand what the animals are saying- for example, when Pilkington makes his to Napoleon speech at the end of the novel, the reader believes that the two understand each other. The repetition of various ideas and images forms a pattern in the text. In particular Majors speech at the start of the novella is echoed and referred to throughout the novella, to provide a standard by which the pigs actions are judged. The placing of the speech at the start of the novella, means that the reader shares the animals enthusiasm for the vision of the future and becomes progressively more disappointed as the novella continues and we see those ideals destroyed: we are told several times that the animals work like slaves. The novella is aimed at the masses, as it is cleverly written to reach the population on a number of levels; one being the message that not everything you are told by the authoritarian figure shouldnt be believed and trusted. Animal Farms purpose is to highlight the corruption of power in the USSR under Stalin. A Modest proposal however addresses only the educated middle classes. The authorial voice in A Modest Proposal is of an English economist, spoken in a matter-of-fact manner leading the audience into agreement with the argument, and then giving a massive blow with his actual proposal, the shock of undeniable cannibalism. E. g. always advising the mother to let them suck plentifully in the last month, so as to render them plump and fat for a good table. It could be argued that Orwells writing directly descends fro that of Swifts simple, straightforward and concise. The format of Animal Farm consists of very little dialogue, it is written in story form similar to a childrens storybook with a lot of information condensed into a few words. Orwell makes a statement and leaves it! The plot carries forward at a rapid rate and doesnt get involved in small affairs. Orwell allows events to speak for themselves. There are no lengthy sentences introspective passages or emotional feelings. It has an objective style with the reader always kept at arms length. The humans in the novel are stereotypical as is shown on page 41 with Mr Whymer the greedy lawyer He was a sly-looking little man. Orwells simplistic child-like style shows through with his explanation of what a cheque is. It is almost biblical in its simplicity. Biblical overtones appear again with the commandments, which equates to animalism 7 deadly sins. Swift uses syllogism in his proposal. He turns argument on its head to state the following: If starving children are killed at one year old. The children can help to feed the state. Therefore by the end of his proposal he states starving children can benefit the state. This is a style of argument, which shows Swifts indebtedness to Rabelais, who made much of this type of turning a point of view on its head. Another technique of Swifts is to write in character e. g. Gullivers Travels where he writes as a seafaring man on his travels. In Modest Proposal Swift writes as an economist. Therefore the horror of the proposal can be stated in all its shocking detail since it is no more horrible than the horrors already existing and which are sanctioned by that social group, which are the audience of the pamphlet. The educated and well to do classes who had been instrumental in passing the laws which had made Ireland so poverty stricken. Which gives the ultimate irony of A Modest Proposal! Reference to the oppressive laws, which the protestant parliament in London hand inflicted on catholic Ireland. Another technique in Modest Proposal is Swift developed one idea by continued reference to another so that every statement was double edged. E. g. I have already computed the charge . its for the carcass of a good fat child. The horrors are all the more effective because they are presented in such a matter of fact voice, they are introduced easily as evidence to support a rational argument. The appeal is to the readers practical reasonableness no attempt is made to incite pity or indignation, it is only at the end that he makes a full frontal. Swift like every writer has his critics. A. Humphreys says that he favours the intellectual exercise of forming a link between idea and image He puts forward the idea that Ireland is in desperate straits with the poor, and links this with the image of how the Irish poor live. Following on from this is the idea that the problem can be solved, which leads to the image of yearling children, being fattened for the table. a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food D. W Jefferson argues that too much emphasis has been placed on the simplicity of Swifts style. But he sees this style as having a wider purpose a) it follows the be Augustan style which stressed the need for clarity of expression but b) this simple style was essential for Swift because he was often putting over a simple tale i. e. simply told Gullivers Travels. This is also apparent in Modest Proposal where he takes on the persona of an economist who is setting out a list as it were of the economic status quo to follow it with a list of proposals to improve the situation. To concentrate on style in his manner however is to ignore the comic and sometimes-hilarious wit that Swift can show. For this he is indebted to Rabelais, Donne and Jonnson. E. g. In Tale of Tub he leans heaverily on Rabelais by the way in which he exploits ideas to build up comedy and by the way he misapplies learned ideas to support an audacious conclusion. Whilst the wit in Modest Proposal is not of the same satirical play on words as Animal Farm, it does none the less have a strong bite to it. E. g. in Animal Farm. We laugh at the animals, as the thought of a pig climbing up a ladder with a paintbrush in his trotter is amusing. Where as in Modest Proposal when the idea of stewing, roasting, baking or boiling a child is put across at first this is disturbing but taking it into context it is a witty description of a horrific suggestion. Many critics would argue that the greatest satire in English Language is Jonathan Swifts a A Modest Proposal, but because Swift and his narrator are so tightly intertwined, even sophisticated readers often emerge form their confused. He attacks his own Protestant, English community by creating a narrator who considers himself a reasonable and compassionate fellow, but who combines a repulsive anti-Catholic bigotry with modest proposal that is actually a final solution; he advocates cannibalism as a means countering Irish Catholic poverty, abortion, and the high birth rate. Orwells writing style descends directly from that of Swift the Augustan style of writing has been inherited through the centuries. Both literary pieces are political satires, portraying a government of the their time. Swifts is aimed at the upper class politicians in Ireland, where as Orwells is suitable for all ages yet still has a powerful message hidden within its meaning. Written in different genres to reflect was acceptable at the time of writing and the style they are written in. The problems that Orwell encountered when attempting to publish his novella are no means extinct, a twenty first novelist is still encountering these troubles as her novel is a political satire, that is satirising the current British government and their policies and conduct. Carole Haymans Hard Choices is said to be an inappropriate determination to satirise New Labour when Tony Blair is doing so much for America! The novella is futuristic set in 2010. So even today in a society that is said to have evolved and accepts most things and people the literary world is still encountering problems. In conclusion both Swift and Orwells pieces have fulfilled their intent to, instruct the public about the corruption that has in the past taken place within ruling parties and their level of power.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Compare Contrast High School College Essays

Compare Contrast High School College Essays Compare Contrast High School College Essay Compare Contrast High School College Essay pro, con, and neutral, and thus have an understanding of all the conflicting positions. D. The skill of applying diverse historical data into an inter-relational composite framework E. The thorough knowledge and importance of the utilization of all relevant reference sources and techniques when researching historical events and topics F. The ability to organize ideas and communicate orally G. To gain an understanding of the role played by various nationality and cultural groups in the development of the Twentieth-Century United States H. To expand cultural and historical awareness. I. To gain an awareness of how the differences in cultures combined to create a larger â€Å"American† culture. J. To broaden student sensitivity, tolerance, and understanding of the various subcomponents of American culture. Dr. Kolkey’s Syllabus Page 4 K. To compare and contrast information cross-culturally L. To demonstrate a general understanding of the framework of American history, along with the salient thematic features which underpin it, including, but not limited to, gender, class, religion, economics, race/ethnicity, technology innovation, and political institutions M. To understand how to read and appreciate different kinds of history texts and outside sources N. To develop the ability to ask questions of the text O. To learn how to recognize the manner in which a text is organized so as to separate best the relevant from the irrelevant information P. To gain the ability to assess your own progress Q. To take notes from lectures – do not merely transcribe, but to weigh and separate the relevant from the irrelevant R. To understand how to use the syllabus and budget your time on a daily, weekly, and semester-long basis Program Outcomes: A. To attain a solid level of cultural/historical literacy. To possess knowledge of the key patterns, themes, events, and figures of the past, across the entire socio-cultural spectrum B. To be able to evaluate how the past relates to the present C. To utilize evidence from the past and the present to formulate and support constructive arguments in both written and verbal form D. To develop successful college skills that will enable a student to interpret a history text, listen constructively to a lecture, take effective notes, turn in homework, prepare for and take exams to pass college-level classes E. To become independent, informed citizens who will play an active role in the improvement of society at the local, state, and national level. GOOD LUCK!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Social contract theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social contract theory - Essay Example This means the citizens have political powers unless they decide to transfer the power to the government. The past philosophers agreed that the government originated from the people’s contract in the society. They believed that people pledge loyalty and compliance with the government so that it protects them and their belongings in return (Dye & Schubert 29). There are various aspects of the American social contract highlighted in the Preamble and declaration. The county’s social contract is derived from the preamble that states that people have to collaborate with government to promote justice and protection of individuals’ liberty. This means that the main aspects of the country’s social aspects reflected in the preamble are the partnership between the people and the government, and the people’s freedom. The Declaration also serves as the constitutional foundation of the American social contact. One of the aspects of the country’s social contract in the Declaration is the commitment to people’s natural rights. Pursuit to happiness was another aspect of the Declaration reflected in the county’s social contact (Billias

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Qatar Olympic Committee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Qatar Olympic Committee - Essay Example QOC provides opportunities for members of the community to participate in sport and sport-related activities within and outside Qatar. QOC was funded on 14 March 1979. In 1980, QOC joined the International Olympic Committee, and in 1981, joined the Olympic Council of Asia. In 1982, QOC joined the Arab Sports Games Federation. Since its inception, QOC has been led by five presidents, the current being H.H. Sheikh Tamin Bin Hamad Al-Thani since December 2000 (, 2014). The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the QOC. The company has its headquarters in West Bay Doha, Qatar. Currently, QOC is organizing the hosting of the World Boxing Championships in 2015, Handball World Cup for men in 2015, Real World Cycling Championships in 2016, Qatar World Cycling Championships in 2016 and the FIFA World Cup in 2022 (, 2014). QOC has sixteen departments, which include: Secretary General, legal affairs office, secretary general’s office, assistant secretary general, finance, Sports Affairs, Operation & Maintenance, Engineering Projects, Procurement & Stores, Planning & Development, Human Resources, and Public relations & Marketing among others (, 2014). Currently, QOC employs close to five thousand employees, and it is considered one of the largest government agencies in Qatar and the entire region. QOC’s vision is â€Å"to become a leading nation in bringing the world together through sustainable sport development† (, 2014). The company’s mission is to place sport and physical recreation activity all over Qatar so as to enhance the harmonious development of men and women in the true Olympic spirit (, 2014). In order to accomplish the mission and vision statements, QOC has developed a list of objectives and activities. First, it aims to spread the principles of Olympics throughout the country based on the framework of sport activities. Secondly, QOC helps in the training of sport administrators through

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dorothea dix crusader for the mentally ill Term Paper

Dorothea dix crusader for the mentally ill - Term Paper Example While there, at the age of only 14, she organized her own school and taught neighborhood children. At the age of 19, she moved back to her Grandmothers home in Boston and started a second formal school for older children she named "The Hope," which catered primarily to poor children of the area. As a creative and caring thinker, she wrote a book for children entitled Conversations on Common Things (Brown, 1998). The school was forced to close when Dorothy became seriously ill and during her convalescence over the next two years, she continued with her writing including Hymns for Children and American Moral Tales for Young Persons (Gollaher, 1995). In 1830, Dorothea was engaged by Reverend William Ellery Channing and his wife to be a tutor and governess for their children. She traveled with the family to the Virgin Islands and stayed for nearly a year. Upon returning to Boston, she opened another school in the same location as "The Hope" school. However, within a few years, she became seriously ill with tuberculosis and was forced to retire from teaching in order to rest and recover. She spent the next 18 months recovering from her illness in England with close friends of Reverend Channing, William and Elizabeth Rathbone III. As she recovered from her illness and began to feel well enough to travel, she took advantage of an opportunity to tour York Retreat, a well known insane asylum in England. It was here that she observed patients being treated with dignity and respect, and it is thought that she formed many of her beliefs associated with compassionate care and proper treatment for the mentally ill (Herstek, 2001). In 1837, both her mother and grandmother passed away. Her grandmother left a fairly substantial inheritance to her and her brothers, which was instrumental in supporting her life's work. In 1841, she was invited by a friend to teach inmates Sunday school at the East Cambridge institution. It was there that she observed inmates that were mentally ill and housed in the general population with criminal inmates without regard to age, sex, or their ability to cope in any social environment. She was appalled that men and women were housed together in squalor with little food, heat or sanitary options (Brown, 1998). It was at this point that she embraced the concept of the pressing need for society to provide assistance to the mentally disadvantaged, and embraced the role of crusader for the mentally ill. For the next two years, she visited nearly all the institutions in the State of Massachusetts and documented the treatment of inmates and their living conditions. One example of the horrib le conditions was when she found that it was a common belief by prison and institution management that mentally ill patents couldn't feel extreme hot or cold temperatures, so there was no need to make provisions to protect them from extreme temperatures. She found this incomprehensible, and began documenting finding and thoughts she compiled

Friday, November 15, 2019

Gun Control: Arguments For and Against

Gun Control: Arguments For and Against Introduction There is a variety of acquiring a weapon within a state. Several claims allow anyone who lawfully owns a firearm to transport it openly, in public areas, without necessitating a permit or permit. A number of states likewise have no permit need to transport a concealed firearm. Concealed carry takes a permit generally in most states, however the most those states offer the permits automatically to any legal firearm owners who would like them. Areas also range in their guidelines on gun ownership in specific adjustments, like campuses and properties of worship. There is absolutely no consensus. Actually, police have the same varieties of social and local divides as everybody else. Generally, big-city police force chiefs will support firearm control, and small-town chiefs and sheriffs will oppose it. Those in the Northeast are much more likely than those in the South and Western world to favor it. Description Having the ability to replace ammunition videos quickly also increases the fatality tolls in mass shootings. Present state legislation requires semi-automatic rifles be prepared with a set magazine that will require a tool because of its removal. That little ingenuity satisfies regulations but thwarts the purpose of the locked-clip need. While state legislations takes a firearms seller to file an archive of sales with their state when a weapon changes hands, no such need is present for ammunition which, in simple fact, can be sold to just about anybody. (People barred from running a weapon are also barred from buying bullets, but thats hard to enforce because no record check is conducted). A preexisting regulation that was to have settled this matter for handgun ammunition is at risk of their state Supreme Court docket after a lesser judge ruled its meaning of ammunition was too obscure. In the meantime, Senate Pro-Tem Kevin de Leon has suggested amending regulations to clarify this is, but an examination by the Senate Community Basic safety Committee found the changes wouldnt solve the issues found by the judge. [1] The Argument Every time there are a shooting in the news headlines, right-wing pundits and politicians pull out their talking factors to make clear why the latest firearm tragedy doesnt indicate the U.S. should shrink access to lethal firearms. Guns dont kill people. People kill people This is an excellent argument for many who cant inform the difference between one fatality and twelve. Absolutely, a murderer could kill one individual or two with a blade before being discontinued. But to essentially rack up those mind-blowing fatality counts to make certain that lots of lives are ruined and young families ruined in the area of five or ten minutes you desire a gun. If whatever you value is apportioning blame and declaring that someone will or doesnt have murderous intention, then you should, claim a blade and a weapon are equivalent weaponry. For those individuals who tend to be worried about stopping unnecessary fatalities than simply acknowledging the hate that resides in a few peoples hearts, however, the absolute amount of harm a firearm can do is reason to limit who is able to get their practical one. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun If you like pithy sayings to hard research, I can understand why this might be convincing. But if you go through the real world, viewers definitely not being our only anticipation, good individuals with weapons are scarcely any help in any way. No mass shootings before 30 years have been discontinued by an equipped civilian; in 1982, an equipped civilian successfully wiped out a shooter, but it was only after he determined his crime. It isnt that there arent enough weapons, either. You will discover as many weapons as people in this country, and completely a third of men and women are armed. Even though shootings happen in gun-happy places, where equipped people will definitely be nearby, this vigilante situation simply fails. But, mental health Opponents of weapon control love mentioning the condition of insufficient mental healthcare after a filming. This is firmly for deflection purposes, as there is absolutely no sign that Republicans will ever before work on significant reform for our mental health systems which, its true are woefully insufficient. Its a concern that only issues to them in the immediate aftermath of your taking then its neglected, until theres another taking pictures. [2] Wrong Arguments The Country wide Rifle Association and its own allies have their post-shooting workout down frigid. They wait around a day or two and then act in response with a blistering selection of disorders against gun-safety advocates getting in touch with for reform. No real matter what the circumstances a couple at a Xmas get together, a deranged teen at a cinema, or a sniper concentrating on cops at a peaceful demo they make the same tips, which, unsurprisingly, often seem detached from the realities. A good guy with a gun would have stopped it Most armed individuals fare more serious than their law enforcement counterparts. The clear style that emerges from weapon incidents is the fact that shooters have an individual link with their concentrate on locations some grudge against them, no subject how misguided. So when shooters choose a location at random, there is absolutely no substantive research that they gravitate specifically to gun-free areas. Even the most heart-wrenching works of gun assault are actually so typical and daily habit that writing a well-timed article about the topic has become extremely difficult. One mass filming replaces another, permitting short amount of time for meaningful representation or catharsis. While information regarding the tragedy in Dallas remain emerging, some fact is painfully clear: The shooter was apparently equipped with high-powered weaponry, was evidently undeterred by good men with guns and even specifically targeted those good individuals. Just as before, our countrys lax firearm regulations helped a thief unleash horrific carnage. [3] There is absolutely no uncertainty that the life of some 260 million weapons (which perhaps 60 million are handguns) escalates the death count in this country. We dont have driven-by poisonings or drive-by knifings, but we do have driven-by shootings. Quick access to weapons makes deadly assault more prevalent in drug offers, gang battles and street area brawls. However, there is absolutely no way to extinguish this way to obtain guns. It might be constitutionally suspect and politically impossible to confiscate vast sums of weapons. You are able to declare a location gun-free, as Virginia Technology got done, and weapons its still helped bring there. If you want to suppose by how much the U.S. murder rate would fall season if civilians got no guns, we have to start by recognizing that the non-gun homicide rate in this country is 3 x greater than the non-gun homicide rate in Britain. For historical and ethnic reasons, People in America are a far more violent people than the British, even when they cannot use a firearm. This fact models a floor below that your murder rate will not be reduced even if, by some constitutional or politics magic, we became gun-free. You can find federally required criminal background checks on purchasing weaponry; many claims (including Virginia) limit weapon purchases to 1 per month, and juveniles may well not buy them by any means. But even if there have been even tougher limitations, access to weapons would remain not too difficult. Not minimal because, as holds true today, many would be taken as well as others would be obtained through straw acquisitions created by a ready confederate. It really is practically impossible to utilize new history check or waiting-period regulations to avoid dangerous individuals from getting guns. The ones that they cannot buy, theyll steal or acquire. Its also important to note that weapons play an important role in self-defense. Estimations differ concerning how common this is, however the numbers arent trivial. Somewhere within 100,000 plus more than 2 million instances of self-defense occur each year. There are various compelling cases. In a single Mississippi senior high school, an equipped administrator apprehended an institution shooter. In the Pennsylvania senior high school, an armed product owner prevented further fatalities. Would an equipped teacher have averted a few of the fatalities at Virginia Technical? We cannot know, but it isnt unlikely. For the Western disdain for our legal culture, a lot of those countries shouldnt spend a lot of time congratulating themselves. In 2000, the pace at which individuals were robbed or assaulted was higher in Britain, Scotland, Finland, Poland, Denmark and Sweden than it was in America. The assault rate in Great Britain was double that in America. In the 10 years since England restricted all private ownership of handguns, the BBC reported that the amount of gun crimes has truly gone up sharply. A number of the worst types of mass gun assault have also took place in Europe. Lately, 17 students and professors were killed with a shooter in a single event at a German open public college; 14 legislators were taken to fatality in Switzerland, and eight city council users were taken to loss of life near Paris. The primary lesson which should emerge from the Virginia Technology killings is that people need to work harder to recognize and handle dangerously unpredictable personalities. It really is problems for Europeans as well as People in America, one that there are no easy alternatives such as transferring more firearm control laws and regulations. [4] Gun control wont protect us There are several facts and reports people use to claim both attributes of the weapon control issue. We are able to use other countries as illustrations and we may use criminal offenses rates of metropolitan areas, expresses and countries. No matter how carefully researched the figures are, individuals have an emotional a reaction to this problem that more often than not overrides the reports presented, apart from that one: The violent offense rate in America has truly gone down substantially within the last twenty years. Our anxieties, though, have risen, due to high-profile occurrences of mass killings of individuals found unaware. Killers took lives in churches, academic institutions, hospitals, government complexes, and the website of any marathon, the Twin Towers and a good part of any military bottom part where military were regarded as unarmed. [5] These killings identify the actual fact that anybody, and some of our family members, are susceptible when caught with this shield down against someone else who would like to do injury. Does it subject what tool they used? If it was a rifle, a tube bomb, a pickup truck of fertilizer, a pressure cooker or a planes the outcome is the same. Yet an incredible number of other people possess the freedom to get those exact same things and can never utilize them to get rid of. These horrific mass killings were dedicated by an extremely small number of men and women who want to harm and eliminate others. Ultimately, inside our horror, we provide them with a voice they might never have got otherwise. Just access a deadly tool doesnt switch someone into a killer. Most of us who have vehicles have felt some type of extreme anger at other individuals because we feel they have got put us in harms way. Even special ops men, military and law enforcement officials who are trained to get rid of for respectable purposes, who are aware of multiple weapons and also have usage of the weaponry and ammunition even these individuals, who are experienced, will let you know they never know if indeed they can take the lead to until positioned able to use deadly drive to protect someone else. My federal has proven that it is unable to protect me against people who wish to wipe out. And I dont blame the federal government, because there is merely one person at fault here: The person or girl who made a decision to kill. [5] Automobiles are tools that is involved with as much deaths as weapons. With this country, we give liberty and take it away once you end up being unworthy of the flexibility weve given you. No one suggests removing cars or going right through a power supply of tests to find out if you may be a drunk drivers 1 day. Understandably, we wish a remedy to ensure that people and our family members will never maintain the situation to be trapped unaware by a person who thought we would do offense. Mass killers have targeted churches, businesses, concert halls, schools and private hospitals, nonetheless they could as easily take their assault to a location where people are equipped. Yet they dont. Even at Fort Hood, the killer opt for place on the bottom where he recognized military would be unarmed. And what we have to do is find the courage to simply accept that from the dawn of energy before day man no more walks the planet earth, evil will see a means. Murder is little or nothing new, it isnt going away which is not reliant on one technique of eliminating or another. We are able to forge ahead realizing that while bad is in our midst, it includes the few. The nice, responsible people will be the vast majority. We are able to trust the other person with basic freedoms until one individual shows to be untrustworthy by maliciously, intentionally harming another individual. [5] Misunderstanding about gun control There are so many misunderstandings that it is hard to learn where to start. For one, we have to understand that weve experienced an amazing reduction in violent criminal offenses and gun criminal offense in the U.S. because the early on 1990s, even although amount of firearms has increased by about 10 million each year. There is no simple correspondence between your volume of firearms in private hands and the quantity of gun criminal offense, and I often think it is somewhat peculiar that there appears to be a notion that things are more serious than ever before when, the truth is, things are actually better than they are for many years. People also needs to remember that most gun-related fatalities are suicides, not murders. You will discover doubly many suicides in the U.S. by weapons as there are homicides and I believe most people discover that very surprising. Again and again one reads that 30,000 individuals have been wiped out with weapons, but whats not said is the fact 20,000 of these needed their own lives. But perhaps the most frequent misperception of most, and the idea I wish to underline over and over is that there surely is no simple, effective insurance policy to reduce firearm crime that is merely there for the requesting so long as weve the politics will to do it. That solution doesnt are present. Its very difficult to find an effort that is implementable and enforceable that could make almost any a direct effect on gun offense. [6] The Term ‘Gun Control’  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ‘Weapon control’ is a wide term that addresses any kind of limitation on what varieties of firearms can be sold and bought, who is able to own or sell them, where and exactly how they could be stored or taken, what tasks a seller must vet a buyer, and what commitments both buyer and owner have to survey transactions to the federal government. Sometimes, the word is also used to protect related concerns, like restrictions on types of ammunition and newspapers, or technology, like the sort that allows weapons to fire only once gripped by their owners. Lately, weapon control debates have centered mainly on criminal background checks for clients, allowing visitors to carry weapons in public areas, and whether to permit the ownership of assault rifles. [7] Conclusion Weve slipped into a land of administration that has guaranteed the moon, hardly ever delivered and powered us into an environment of more laws and regulations, more federal, and less liberty and none of them of this has quit murder, pain and anguish. No government provides the utopia many seek. I am hoping our people keep tight to the idea that we dont need to be considered a fear-ridden country centered on restrictions, but instead that we continue to be the land of the free and home of the fearless. References Californias proposed gun laws wont change our culture of violence, but they will make us safer. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2017, from Marcotte, A. (2015, October 1). 4 pro-gun arguments we’re sick of hearing. Rolling Stone. Retrieved from DeFillipis, E., & Hughes, D. (2016). 5 arguments against gun control—and why they are all wrong. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from Wilson, J. Q. (2007, April 20). Gun control isn’t the answer. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from Kyle, T. (2013, July 18). ‘American Sniper’ widow: Gun control won’t protect us. CNN. Retrieved from Davidson, J. (2015, December 1). A criminologist’s case against gun control. Time. Retrieved from Perez-Pena, R. (2015, October 7). Gun control explained. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Steven King :: essays research papers

Stephen King often called; â€Å"Master of Horror† is a well-known author for his horror stories, and science fiction novels. He had many influences on how has written his books. King has also faced many hardships within his life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  King was born in Portland, Maine on September 21, 1947 to Nellie Ruth King and Donald Edwin King at the Maine General Hospital. Stephen was the only natural born child in the family, as his brother David was adopted at birth in 1945.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Kings were your average family until one night when his father Donald said he was going out for a pack of cigarettes, and never returned home. Stephen at the time was only three years old. His father had a large collection of science fiction novels in which Stephen read growing up. By the time Stephen was seven years old, he wrote his first short story. He also was a fan of the 50’s horror movies, which inspired him to write in the science fiction field. Stephen’s stories were also influenced by the nineteenth century gothic tradition, especially the writings of Edgar Allan Poe. King as a teenager, joined the football team, played in a rock band, yet still had two of his short stories published.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  King started his actually writing career in January of 1959 when he and his brother David decided to publish their own local newspaper. So David bought a mimeograph and they called their paper Dave’s Rag, and it sold for 5 cents and issue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  King attended high school in Lisbon, Maine at Lisbon High School in 1962. Him and his best friend Chris Chesley published a collection of 18 short stories called People, Places, and Things-Volume I. A year later King and Gaslight Books published a two part book titled â€Å"The Star Invaders.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  King made his first published appearance in 1965. His story, â€Å"I Was a Teenage Grave Robber†, which was only about 6000 words in length. The story was published in a magazine named Comics Review.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1966, King graduated from high school and took his scholarship from the University of Maine at Orono. He received a bachelor’s degree in English and a certificate to teach high school in June 1970. He then married Tabitha Jane Spruce on January 2, 1971.King accepted a teaching job at Hampden Academy as an English teacher, and so they moved to Hermon.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  King started to write and submit novels to publishing companies, but had not luck.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Of mice and men is the story of two men George Milton and Lennie Small Essay

Of mice and men is the story of two men George Milton and Lennie Small who are two people who move from place to place in search of work. This is so that one day they can afford to buy a small farm somewhere where they can live alone and be there own bosses. George looks after Lennie because Lennie is mentally slow and he has looked after him since Lennie’s aunt died, because Lennie is mentally challenged, he tends to get George and himself into trouble because of stupid little things. They where on the run and they found a ranch in the Salinas valley California where they could work as ranch hands. Crooks, the black stable buck, was a proud aloof man who kept his distance from other people and demanded that they keep their own distance too. This was because he was black and at the time this novel was written, there was a lot of racist discrimination towards people with black skin, and so if he did mix with the others they would just make a mockery of him by using sarcasm and taunts. Crooks was obviously a very intelligent person because he controlled his inner anger towards the other people on the ranch but he was also a proud and bitter man. Proud because he never let anyone see how he truly felt and the ridicule and name calling and bitter because of the way he is treated and he passes on the hurt feeling he has to other people he thinks that there will be no recriminations from. He feels he is isolated because he is the only black man on the ranch and one of the very few black people in the entire area. Crooks is treated badly due to the racism in both the ranch and society as a whole. At the time when this story was written, the world was a very racist place and anyone with a different coloured skin other than white was treated differently. He was called a nigger and yet he was born in America so in fact, he was a true American and not a nigger, but due to him being black, he was treated very differently. He was given all the jobs that a white man would like to consider below him, i.e. cleaning out the stables. Even though the workers on the ranch did not set out to insult him deliberately, the use of the term ‘nigger’ signals to people that black men like Crooks were degraded both verbally and physically by people with white skin. Crooks was openly referred to as a ‘nigger’, which amplifies the casual racism that was directed at him by the others. Crooks bullies Lennie because he has been tormented and bullied all the time he has been able to understand the facts of racial prejudice. He is then given the chance to bully Lennie. To get Lennie’s attention he uses a subdued and convincing voice. When he gets the affect he wants he then turns to bullying and you can see his â€Å"face lighted with pleasure in his torture†. He revelled in the suffering and tribulation he put on Lennie because he is enjoying bullying instead of being bullied himself. He also likes his new level as he can only do this to Lennie because he is not a threat and it is possibly the only time he can get his own back in some small way shape of form. Crooks’ character helps to widen the theme of loneliness in the novel because all the men on the ranch would have been proud and bitter men in someway because of the work they were forced to do. In addition, the way it says that it is unusual for people to travel around in twos I think that they were used to people keeping them selves to them because at the time it was written it was the great depression and so people were sad and tended not to communicate with other people. Crooks is given the smallest most desolate room on the ranch he is made to keep away from the bunkhouse where the rest of the workers work. His room is not only his room it is sort of an equipment store a place where equipment gets fixed. He is the also the only black person on the ranch and possibly the only black person for miles, which means that he has no one of his own race to converge with. The other thing that is not on his side is that with him being black no one would believe him if any thing went wrong an example of this is when Curleys wife goes into Crooks’ room and crooks tell her to leave she replies with that she calls him a nigger ands that she could get him lynched (hanged) quiet easily, implying that she doesn’t like him and that she could do it if she was pushed. The language used to describe Crooks gives him a lack of recognition which help the author to make the reader of the novel feel sorry for Crooks and that they would just want to help him. John Steinbeck uses this to show his lack of identity and thus making him an outsider to the rest of the people on the ranch who have a full explicit description of the way they look. The lack of description of crooks makes us feel sympathetic towards him Steinbeck also uses like a sad slow old-fashioned form of writing to make you feel like he is lonely and is sympathetic towards him. Crooks is quit an important character in the novel it helps the writer convey the loneliness and solitude there must have been being a worker on a desolate ranch. Crooks is also the only person in the novel who can take part in one of the novels main themes (discrimination). It is also a good way of letting you see what life was like and the way people strived to make their life long dream come true (the American dream). After a while Crooks begins to trust Lennie and they become friends, which is another (friendship).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Federalist Essay essays

Federalist Essay essays In order to protect the safety and welfare of this country, the states which it is comprised of must come together to form a unified society. History has indeed shown us that the unification of the people of America has enabled us to achieve our goals. Unfortunately at this time, in what hopes to be only a minor obstruction in this countys future, we once again find ourselves divided among causes. The Constitution has become an object of this great debate. To most, it is not a matter of the importance of government, but more a matter of the certain liberties that must be forfeited to create a national government. The union of this countrys 13 states holds the key to this newly forming nations vitality. The widely accepted Constitution holds a promise for the aforementioned vitality of this land. Initial efforts at unity were admirable, but at the same time were lacking. The Articles of Confederation never held any potential for this land. They were merely a starting ground that brought this country together enough to begin to form, as written in the preamble of the constitution, a more perfect union. The Constitution does exactly so, it creates a firm union of the people. As previously stated, a union in crucial to this country. With England and Spain feuding over the Mississippi and St. Lawrence Rivers, war could let loose. A unified nation is the best possible defense plan. By being able to reap the benefits of the brightest and most talented, by being able to enact foreign policy that treats all foreign threat the same, and by acting in the interests of this county as a whole, it becomes quite easy to ward of any threat to us. The Constitution lays out rules and guidelines for federal agencies (i.e. Congress, and The Supreme Court). A system was created that is fair for all states, which makes it fair for this country as a whole. Under the Constitution, there are ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Huck essays

Huck essays Emotion, language, perception and reason are natural processes and in order to have a sense of self it is vital to be acquainted with the world. Epistemologies are essential to the development of schemas, concepts and bias that establish self. Without metaphysical curiosity and collective knowledge one is unable to acquire universal and self-knowledge. In the picaresque novel; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain the mystifying Mississippi River provides its travelers with collective knowledge and persuades them to explore humanity. Huck, the cynical protagonist is exposed to untainted life and the hypocrisy of civilized society, as he travels down the murky river. Much like the Mississippi River, Huck is in flux, as he is prepared and often forced to modify his attitudes about humanity without endorsement. Mark Twain has made use of the episodic setting of the river, as well as the emerging action to illustrate the significant meaning of the novel. Through the reciprocal action and reaction of setting, Twain portrays Hucks moral evolution. Initially the Mississippi River is the ultimate symbol of freedom from hypocrisy and injustice of society to young Huck, who has yet to develop a personal concept of right and wrong. Throughout the novel Huck is willing to come to his own conclusions about important matters, even if these contradict societys norms. Yet at this point in the novel he is still a boy and is still influenced by others, especially his friend Tom, who obtains an obstinate reliance on romance novels and the authorities, which often results in egotistical acts of stupidity. In chapter ten, Huck demonstrates a similar act of idiocy by placing a dead rattlesnake near Jims sleeping place and causing the dead snakes mate to bit the runaway slave. The incident is not only a representation of Hucks childish stupidity, but is a biblical image of the Garden of Eden, where snakes lurk on an ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The world of Sports matematics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The world of Sports matematics - Research Paper Example Just to mention but a few, in crickets, it serves to establish the number of runs and to enumerate the total number of runs needed in each over, what is referred to as the run rate. This is critical in beating the opponent. The discipline also serves in majoring the courtyards in football and to mark the perimeter from say the mount all through to home plate in baseball. The field is often 100 yards long and so it is marked at an interval of 10 yards using a line. This brings about the center being 50 yards from either side and divides the two teams halfway apart. In athletics otherwise referred to as sprints, mathematics is used to determine the speed of an individual relative to the opposition’s. This is achieved by determining two variables, which are the distance covered and the stride frequency. An interesting mathematical concept is involved in interpreting the speeds of any given athlete. To ascertain the technique best suits a sprinter in so far as take off is concerned, the athlete’s tangential slope is used to gauge his or her velocity. The results are then exposed to three modus operandi. In order to establish who among the players is best based on performance and contribution of the match, mathematical concepts still set in. The number of passes he or she receives and the number of complete passes he makes are translated into numbers, counted and used to determine their performance throughout the season. Baseball for instance derives its popularity from statistics which was used to keep records and tracks from home runs. The major operations such as subtraction, division, addition and multiplication have been used to bring fourth analysis and rational judgments in matters of sports. In football for example, there must be designated teams according to each pool and all these have to battle it out in order to secure a place on top of the pool. This in essence calls for counting of the number of goals scored, the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Writing assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Writing assignment - Research Paper Example It has often been said that the best way to end up with the worst people in your firm or business is to announce that the firm is laying off people. This ensures that the best people make an exit for the door and as Pfeffer points out, many firms rehire them simply because they cannot afford to lose those people. This is the morale factor. However, there are other factors as well which include the effect on a firm’s profitability (not profits) and its attitude towards its customers (particularly for service sector companies). All these factors make laying off people not that much of an attractive proposition and as Pfeffer points out, there might be other ways to beat the downturn apart from laying off people. Given the fact that the article was written in 2010 (at the peak of the Great Recession), there are some points in the article and Pfeffer’s recommendations that can be implemented by the firms and businesses. However, this is not to say that the entire set of recommendations are realistic when one takes into account the fact that many firms, in order to simply survive in the current economic climate need to cut jobs. The reason for downsizing becoming attractive is that the share of the service sector in the overall economy has gone up drastically in the last few decades. Since the service sector primarily relies on people and the costs of payroll and perks are the major chunk of the overall costs, there is indeed a case to be made for layoffs. Though as Pfeffer says when people are our main assets, why lose them. The point here is that one needs to take a nuanced approach towards Pfeffer’s recommendations and take those among them that make business sense. Without re sorting to emotional factors, Pfeffer has convincingly shown that layoffs do not make business sense as well. Maybe it is time for firms to look at financial optimization

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

DOM and its impact on web development techniques Essay

DOM and its impact on web development techniques - Essay Example DOM level 2 was introduced in 2000. The level has event model and supports XML namespaces and CSS. DOM level 3 is the current DOM specifications release published in 2004. It has added additional features for XPath, Keyboard event handling, and serialization interface for documents like XML. DOM level 4 is currently in the process of being developed. As at 2005, majority of the W3C DOM were effectively supported through common browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6, Mozilla, Firefox, and Opera (Koch, 2001). To produce documents like HTML page, majority of the web browsers internal DOM model. The nodes of documents are arranged in DOM tree structure, with the document object being the topmost node. When HTML page is opened in browsers; the HTML is downloaded into the local memory, and automatically displays the page on the screen (Guisset, 2009). DOM supports all navigation directions and allows arbitrary modifications; hence implementation buffers documents that are

Monday, October 28, 2019

Into Thin Air Analysis Essay Example for Free

Into Thin Air Analysis Essay â€Å"Brilliant. Vertiginously exciting†¦vibrantly imagined. An achievement of extraordinary depth and beauty of the natural world.† –Raul Dagmar Into Thin Air is based on a true story seen through the eyes of Jon Krakauer. He is a journalist and mountain climber who decides to climb the treacherous Mount Everest and joins the most disastrous expedition in history. Krakauer mixes in with the climbing service called Adventure Consultants, which is guided by Rob Hall who is also responsible for the lives of ten other climbers. The climb is structured into camps: Base Camp, Camp One, Camp Two, Camp Three and Camp Four. After spending weeks at Base Camp, the group makes a number of trips up to the other camps to speed up the acclimatization process. Throughout the climb to the summit, Krakauer significantly details his teammates, his guides and other expeditions on the mountain. He tries to link together a continuous timeline of the events that take place in the weeks they are on the mountain. Everest is a bare and harsh land. All of the clients have difficulty adjusting to the altitude, tiring easily and losing oxygen. The climbers experience in mountain climbing and at high altitudes varies—some of them are qualified while others very inexperienced and highly dependent on the guides. Will they survive? â€Å"†¦[Krakauer] reveals that the human spirit has infinite ability to grow and can never be limited by circumstance. It will change the way you look at the obstacles of your own life and the American Dream.† -Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Essay -- Papers Christian Religion Lew

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity, by C. S. Lewis, is written as set of guidelines of Christian belief. Lewis does not say there is any particular way to believe but he does make a point that the topic of religion itself is serious. As you consider whether you want to believe or not, you have to recognize how much thought it requires, and how thought provoking a process this decision is. Lewis covers Christianity in four different books within his book. In book one, Lewis discusses the Law of Nature and makes note of a tendency in humans of appealing to a standard of absolute truth in quarrels and arguments. He calls this standard the Law of Nature or the Moral Law. The Law isn't the same as the law of gravity because in the latter case, we have no choice but to obey physical laws. The Law that governs human conduct is distinct, then, from the "way the universe works." Lewis concludes that the moral law is alive and active in human lives. According to Lewis, science cannot be used to discover the mind behind the creation of the universe. In book two Lewis simply states what Christians believe. He talks about the major divisions within belief in God, and discusses what he calls Christianity-and-water. Lewis speaks on free will, Satan, and the nature of Christ. Book three contains The Three Parts of Morality. He discusses what he calls the cardinal virtues. According to old writers, there are seven virtues. Four are called cardinal and the other three are theological. Lewis argues for morality between man and man, and what a society would be like if it were completely Christian. He also discusses chastity, marriage, forgiveness, the great - sin pride and self-conceit, and gives another look at the theological... ...ion. In the beginning of the book Lewis compared situations where moral decisions were at stake, to keys on a piano. In some situations they keys were right and in others wrong, depending on the tune you are playing. In book three Lewis describes what the basic rudiments of "Moral music" thus defining the bounds of the songs we as humans can properly write and play and still be recognized as music. As in real music there is a structure and there are rules on how songs can be put together. When the structure is not followed it is very hard to play music that is beautiful to listen to because it would lack a melody with all the harmonies that are pleasing to the ear. As for the seven virtues and Moral law they guide the symphony of our life in which each day is new movement. Without the guidance of the Moral Laws, our life would be the same as jumbled notes on a page.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Use of Portfolios to Measure Classroom Performance as an Alternativ

The Use of Portfolios to Measure Classroom Performance as an Alternative to Mandated Testing â€Å"Teachers teaching to the test† has become an ongoing issue among grade schools around the world. Teachers are changing the curriculum to revolve around standardized testing hoping to ensure good grades on this test. They are obsessed with doing this in order to gain a good reputation for the school and are throwing curriculum out the window. Requiring students to take these mandated tests to evaluate how much knowledge they gain throughout the year is not necessarily accurate. But limiting the students’ absorption of knowledge to strictly the test is not teaching students to think critically. Almost everyone who disagrees with mandated testing have come to a conclusion that the main alternative to this issue is to assess students’ learning growth by the use of portfolios. Observing how students perform in the class room should be measured by critical thinking exercises and portfolios that are a reflection of what they are actually learning. Portfolios are a great collection of what is ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nanotech N Nanoscience

Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology Introduction Student Guide Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn the differences between â€Å"Nanoscience† and â€Å"Nanotechnology. † Both are extremely exciting, but have distinct differences in what the people in these fields do. Throughout this lesson you'll be asked to research and discuss what is happening in nanoscience and nanotechnology. A lot is going on in both fields and the potential for a lot more is HUGE. Before coming to class Complete the on-line Knowledge Probe (KP) called KP: Nanoscience vs Nanotechnology.Objectives At the end of this lesson you will be able to do the following: ? List several examples of nanoscience exploration and research activities ? List several examples of nanotechnology innovations and products ? Correctly apply the terms Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to different situations ? Tell another person what the differences are between Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Resources National Nanotech nology Initiative (NNI) web site: www. nano. gov NNI site â€Å"What is Nanotechnology†: http://www. nano. gov/nanotech-101/what Nano Science and Technology Institute : http://www. nsti. org/UNM NanoTechnology NScience_vs_Ntechnology_PG_0301912 Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology IG Page 1 of 10 Lesson Outline Pre-class assignment Knowledge Probe Before coming to class, you complete an on-line assessment of your current understanding of nanoscience vs. nanotechnology (KP – Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology). In-class Activity: NanoScience vs. NanoTechnology In this activity you will develop your own definitions of nanoscience and nanotechnology based on current knowledge. You will be required to share your results with the instructor and other students as part of the class discussion.Discussion on the results of Activity You will share your definitions of nanoscience and nanotechnology with other students and the instructors. The discussion should cover the differences and sim ilarities of each. The instructor will present several examples of which you will determine â€Å"nanoscience†, â€Å"nanotechnology† or â€Å"both†. The class will reach a consensus on the correct definition of each. Post-Assessment Complete a short assessment that measures your understanding of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Assessment Strategy You will be assessed on the following: ?Completion of the online Knowledge Probe: Nanoscience vs. nanotechnology ? Participation in the classroom discussion ? Grade on the in-class Post-Quiz: Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology Terminology Nanoscience Nanotechnology Nano http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nano Nanometer http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/nanometer Science http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/science Technology http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/technology UNM NanoTechnology NScience_vs_Ntechnology_PG_0301912 Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology IG Page 2 of 10 Introduction What is Nanoscience?To give you a hint, the illustration below represents a biomolecule that nanoscientists have discovered. What is it? First of all, what's the red spiral? What's the figure walking on top of the red spiral? Give up? Very simply put, the red spiral is a microfilament, a minute fiber found in muscle cells. The green figure walking on top of the microfilament is a protein molecule called myosin. Nanoscientists have discovered that the mysoin protein acts like a linear motor. To contract a muscle, the myosin molecule (or motor) walks in nano-size steps along the microfilament.As the myosin molecule walks, it pulls on the microfilament causing the muscle cells to contract. [Illustration by and courtesy of PrecisionGraphics. com] So what is Nanoscience? This is really a two part question: 1) What is nano? 2) What is science? By the end of this lesson, you will be able to answer these questions. You will also be able to answer the question – What is the difference between Nanoscience and Nan otechnology? There is a huge difference! So let's find out. UNM NanoTechnology NScience_vs_Ntechnology_PG_0301912 Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology IG Page 3 of 10 Lesson Content What is Nano?Let's start with answering the question, â€Å"What is nano? † Here are some nano-size objects: DNA Molecule: DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) about 2 nanometers in diameter Dozens of Silicon atoms Each silicon atom is approximately 0. 234 nanometers in diameter; therefore this picture is about 4 nm wide. This picture was taken using an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). [AFM image by and courtesy of Franz Giessibl] NanoDot This image shows a nano-size Gold particle (50 nm) sitting on the end of a microcantilever. [Courtesy of the Craighead Group, Cornell] UNM NanoTechnology NScience_vs_Ntechnology_PG_0301912Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology IG Page 4 of 10 The Definition of Nano Nano is a metric prefix which is applied to measurements of length such as millimeter, micrometer, and nanometers. It can al so be applied to measurements that indicate the â€Å"amount† of something: milliampere or nanoamperes (an amounts of electrical current), microliters or nanoliters (the amount of a volume), and kilograms or nanograms (the mass of something). The prefix nano is used as another indication of size or amount. You may already know, or soon will find out, that a nanometer is defined as one-billionth of a meter (1 x 10-9 meter).A meter is a little longer than a yard (1 meter = 1. 09 yards). Graphic unit is â€Å"nanometer† Graphic source: National Cancer Institute What is Science? Now let's look at the second question: What is science? There are many definitions of science. Here are a couple: 1) â€Å"The systematic observation of natural events and conditions in order to discover facts about them and to formulate laws and principals based on these facts. †[Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology] 2) â€Å"The organized body of knowledge that is derived f rom such observations and that can be verified or tested by further investigation. [Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology] Sound pretty complicated? Well it isn’t really. It just takes some time to think about it. UNM NanoTechnology NScience_vs_Ntechnology_PG_0301912 Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology IG Page 5 of 10 One way to look at the definition of science is that science is trying to figure out nature’s rule book. ? What are the rules which govern material properties? ? How do things move? ? Why do natural events occur as they do? An example of nanoscience was the discover of how the gecko can walk on ceilings and stick to glass walls of an aquarium.Hint: It has something to do with nano-size objects in the feet. You'll study this later in this course. Through science we know the answer to questions such as these: ? Why are plants green? ? Why do some things float and others sink? ? How do our lungs pull the oxygen out of the air? Scientists are the peo ple who do the investigations or experiments and try to determine what the rules of nature are. The experiments are done in a very precise and systematic way so that others can re-do the experiments and (hopefully) get the same results. Getting the same results is what is meant by being â€Å"verifiable† and â€Å"repeatable. So now you should have a better idea as to what science means: Figuring out the rules which determine how things work in nature. UNM NanoTechnology NScience_vs_Ntechnology_PG_0301912 Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology IG Page 6 of 10 What is Technology? What does the term â€Å"Technology† really mean? We live in a society which is packed with all sorts of â€Å"technology†: iPODs, iPads, cell phones, laptops, GPS (Global Positioning Systems), gaming systems (Wii, Nintendo, X-box, Playstation), DLP (Digital Light Processors) displays, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), WiFi †¦ I’m sure you can come up with dozens more technology driven devices and systems.How is Technology defined? The National Institute of Health (NIH) defines technology as â€Å"A body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills, and extract or collect materials; the application of science (the combination of the scientific method and material) to meet an objective or solve a problem. † Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary defines technology as 1 a: the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area b: a capability given by the practical application of knowledge 2: a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge.UNM NanoTechnology NScience_vs_Ntechnology_PG_0301912 Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology IG Page 7 of 10 So What is NanoTechnology? Here are a couple of examples of Nanotechnology. Liposome A liposome is a tiny nanoparticle or vacated sphere made out of the same material as a cell membrane. It is hoped that one day we can fill a lipsome with drugs and inject it into the blood stream. Using the properties associated with the liposome's membrane, it will connect to a cancerous tumor, emit the drugs and kill the cancerous cells.Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) Carbon nanotubes use the properties of carbon to form tubes with a length to diameter ratio greater than 1,000,000! Potential applications of CNTs include electrical connections for micro and nano-sized electronics, fibers 20 times stronger than bulletresistent kevlar fibers, and surfaces slicker than Teflon. [Images by Junifer Nez, SCME] So, what do you think? What is NanoTechnology? Activity: NanoScience vs. NanoTechnology Link to and complete the activity – Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology UNM NanoTechnology NScience_vs_Ntechnology_PG_0301912 Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology IG Page 8 of 10An Example of Nanoscience Enabling Nanotechnology Now that you have developed definitions for nanoscience and nanotechnology, what do you think is the difference between the two? In this picture you see a dep iction of a molecule. This particular molecule makes up the famous non-stick Teflon coating used on cookware, telecommunication cables, and clothes. Identifying the molecule's design and determining its physical and chemical properties are examples of nanoscience. Learning how to control and mass produce the molecule to make the desired Teflon coatings is an example of nanotechnology. [Images by SCME]More on Teflon Coatings The molecules that are used for Teflon coatings repel water molecules when assembled in a film. These Teflon coatings are said to be hydrophobic. â€Å"Hydro† means water and â€Å"phobic† means â€Å"scared of† or â€Å"repulsed by. † Nanotechnology has lead to the development of a process that takes billions and billions of these molecules to make a continuous coating. The result is a hydrophobic surface called a Teflon coating. UNM NanoTechnology NScience_vs_Ntechnology_PG_0301912 Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology IG Page 9 of 10 Summa ry In this lesson you have learned ? what is nanoscience, ? hat is nanotechnology, and ? what are the differences and similarities between nanoscience and nanotechnology. Through the applications you've seen, you should have recognized that nanoscience and nanotechnology are not science fiction, but are areas of study that are growing at a tremendous pace throughout the world in a variety of fields. Homework Complete the on-line Assessment – Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology References 1 Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) web site: www. nano. gov Nano Science and Technology Institute : http://www. nsti. org/This work has been funded through the support of a National Science Foundation grant, DUE # UNM NanoTechnology NScience_vs_Ntechnology_PG_0301912 Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology IG Page 10 of 10 Activity – Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology Student Guide Introduction This activity will help you to better identify the difference between nanoscience and nanotechnology. In this activity you will develop your own definitions of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Once your definitions have been developed, you will work with the other students and reach a consensus on what is the best definition for each of these two areas.Activity: Time to Complete: approximately 45 minutes. Procedure: 1. Write down your definition of nanoscience. 2. Write down your definition of nanotechnology. 3. Share your definitions with the other students in the class or through the discussion board. 4. Review others’ definitions of nanoscience and nanotechnology. 5. Discuss your definitions and, as a group, reach a consensus on a definition for each term. (Do not use the definitions used in this lesson. Come up with your own. ) 6. Submit your activity results to your instructor. UNM NanoTechnology Definitions_AC_PG_031912 Definitions Nanoscience vs.Nanotechnology AC_PG Page 1 of 1 Post-Activ ity Questions / Answers 1. List at least two examples, experiments or discoveries that would fall under your definition of nanoscience. 2. List at least two examples, experiments, or developments that would fall under your definition of nanotechnology. 3. Is there a clear dividing line between nanoscience and nanotechnology? Support your answer with examples. Summary This activity allowed you to further your understanding of nanoscience vs. nanotechnology and identify examples of each. This work has been funded through the support of a National Science Foundation grant, DUE #UNM NanoTechnology Definitions_AC_PG_031912 Definitions Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology AC_PG Page 2 of 2 UNM NanoTechnology Definitions_AC_PG_031912 Cut To Size Activity IG Page 3 of 3 This quiz must be taken before the first class meeting. Online quiz: Knowledge Probe – Nanoscience vs. nanotechnology 1. Nanoscience a. Develops means by which to manipulate particles at the molecular level b. Develops the systems for studying particles at the molecular level c. Studies the properties of particles at the molecular level d. Studies the formation of particles at the molecular level 2. Nanotechnology a.Develops means by which to manipulate particles at the molecular level b. Develops the systems for studying particles at the molecular level c. Studies the properties of particles at the molecular level d. Studies the formation of particles at the molecular level 3. For each of the following, identify it as either nanoscience or nanotechnology a. The exploitation of the properties of self-assembly i. Nanoscience ii. Nanotechnology b. The study of the rules that govern material properties at the nanoscale i. Nanoscience ii. Nanotechnology c. The development of liposome vesicles into drug delivery systems i.Nanoscience ii. Nanotechnology d. The design of a process that yields hydrophobic films i. Nanoscience ii. Nanotechnology e. The identification of the molecular design of hydrophobic mate rials i. Nanoscience ii. Nanotechnology 4. Nanotechnology ____________________ the findings of nanoscience. a. Validates b. Exploits c. Manipulates d. Clarifies 5. Which of the following is a job requirement for a technologist working for a nanotechnology company? a. Operate commercial-scale production equipment to produce, test, or modify materials, devices for the purpose of understanding their chemical and physical properties. b.Research and manipulate structures at the atomic and subatomic level for the purpose of understanding their hydrophobic characteristics. c. Experiment with and modify processes for the development of new energy producing products using nano-size particles. UNM NanoTechnology Quiz1-science_tech_PG_030112 Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology IG Page 1 of 1 Post-Discussion Quiz – Nanoscience vs. nanotechnology 1. Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter at the nanoscale for the purpose of a. Discovering new physical properties b. Analyzing how molecules react to each other c. Proving or disproving established theories d.Creating new products or applications 2. For each of the following, identify it as either nanoscience or nanotechnology a. The study of the rules that govern material properties at the nanoscale i. Nanoscience ii. Nanotechnology b. The development of liposome vesicles into drug delivery systems i. Nanoscience ii. Nanotechnology c. The exploitation of the properties of self-assembly i. Nanoscience ii. Nanotechnology d. The identification of the molecular design of hydrophobic materials i. Nanoscience ii. Nanotechnology e. The design of a process that yields hydrophobic films i. Nanoscience ii.Nanotechnology 3. Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. Nanotechnology enables the advancement of nanoscience. b. Nanoscience enables the advancement of nanotechnology. c. Nanoscience exploits the properties of nanoparticles for human gain. d. Nanotechnology is the study and discovery of the properties of matter in the nanoscale. 4. Which of the following is a job requirement for a technologist working for a nanotechnology company? a. Operate commercial-scale production equipment to produce, test, or modify materials, devices for the purpose of understanding their chemical and physical properties. b.Research and manipulate structures at the atomic and subatomic level for the purpose of understanding their hydrophobic characteristics. c. Experiment with and modify processes for the development of new energy producing products using nano-size particles. 5. Which of the following questions would be answered by a technologist versus a scientist? a. What is needed to create a hydrophobic surface? b. How do our lungs extract oxygen from air? c. Why don’t plants stay green year round? d. What is the melting temperature of nano-particles of gold? UNM NanoTechnology Quiz2-science_tech_PG_030112 Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology IG Page 1 of 1